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3 reasons why startup investments in Europe need a serious shake-up
For the past twelve years, my work has been either to find startups to invest in, or find investment for startups that need funding. It has never been an easy game, no matter which side — the VC fund or startup – I was on. дальше »
2019-8-21 14:00
Why in-housing won’t threaten independent creative agencies
In-housing — it’s the term dominating the advertising industry’s news cycle for the past several months. Referring to brands no longer outsourcing their creative, advertising, and marketing services, the in-housing trend has implied that agencies and creative service providers are less in demand, or worse, losing their relevance. дальше »
2019-8-20 14:00
6 ways to create a website that’s accessible (and why it’s important to do so)
Web accessibility is a bigger deal than you might think … Did you know that Beyonce’s website is under fire for its lack of accessibility? Or that Domino’s is fighting the Supreme Court over a website accessibility lawsuit filed by a blind customer? Lawsuits about accessibility for disabled internet users have climbed through the roof, with 2285 cases being filed in 2018 … That’s a whopping 177 percent increase over 2017. дальше »
2019-8-20 19:46
Want to speak at tech conferences? Here’s everything you need to know to get on stage
If you’ve ever looked at a conference or meetup speaker lineup and thought, “Hey, I could do that!” and then thought, “but wait…how do I get started?” then this is for you. Giving talks at tech events is a goal for many technologists, for good reason: it’s a great way to meet people who share similar interests, raise your profile in a specific community, and sharpen your storytelling and technical skills. дальше »
2019-8-19 14:00
Facebook should stop trying to disrupt payments with Libra and focus on repair
Facebook has had quite a run operating in the completely unregulated, wild world of social media, finally ending with a mea culpa that it needs government regulation in order to manage the massive social and democratic disorder it has created. дальше »
2019-8-19 18:00
Skills Every Ambitious Tech Professional Will Need in 2020
Tech industry employment is a seller’s market firmly on the side of top talent, but competition for the best jobs remains fierce. Candidates cannot skate by on common skillsets and expect to secure the lucrative salaries, prestige, and perks for which the tech sector has become known. дальше »
2019-8-18 22:42
Microchipping your employees will always be dehumanizing — and pointless
You may have heard of the latest approach to authentication in businesses: inserting microchips into their employees. While this approach has worked wonders in the pet community, helping returning lost furry friends to their owners, the use of microchips in a business environment is not only dehumanizing, it’s also pointless. дальше »
2019-8-17 18:00
Your hiring process is broken — here’s how to fix it
The labor shortage in America is forcing companies in every industry to reassess how they identify, attract, and keep top talent. A 2017 PwC survey of CEOs found that most viewed a lack of skilled workers as the primary threat to their business, and in 2019, hiring and retaining smart, capable people remains the chief internal concern of the entire executive suite, according to a global Conference Board survey. дальше »
2019-8-17 22:41
The OPPO Reno 2 packs four cameras and supports 20x zoom
It’s no secret that OPPO is quietly working on the successor to its popular Reno handset. Today, courtesy of the company’s Twitter account, we got a glimpse of what it’ll look like. Introducing #OPPOReno2 #Quadcam with #20xZoom. дальше »
2019-8-16 18:51
Here’s how we should design companion robots
As the companion robot industry grows — the robots that not only assist us with a particular task, but also exist to make us happy — it’s time to analyze exactly what makes a companion robot. What are the secret ingredients to designing a convincing character? What are the essential principles to fully deliver on the promise of this industry to build something worthy of a truly emotional connection with a user? The most fun thing about creating a companion robot, is that you will be standing on the intersection of art, technology, and psychology. дальше »
2019-8-16 14:00
9 green technologies small business should consider
Small businesses have options when it comes to embracing green technologies. Here are some approaches of note. дальше »
2019-8-16 12:00
5 ad hacks for apps looking to capitalize on strong retargeting strategies
If you’ve developed an app — even if you’re successfully selling it — there’s one statement that’s unquestionably true: you’re letting potential users slip through your fingers. дальше »
2019-8-16 01:38
4 expert e-commerce hacks for more efficient multi-channel management
I can remember a time when the most important distinction between sales channels boiled down to brick-and-mortar stores vs. the internet. But with the exponential growth of e-commerce in recent years, customers are increasingly utilizing multiple online platforms — with an emphasis on “multiple. дальше »
2019-8-16 00:09
Why developers shouldn’t fear Friday code deployments
I’ve seen the advice of not deploying products on Fridays over and over in my Twitter feed and internet memes. I even stumbled upon a job offer that mentions ‘no Friday deployments’ policy as one of their perks. дальше »
2019-8-14 16:32
What Slack and Fortnite can teach your business about freemium pricing
The phenomenal success of Fortnite and IPO of Slack has me thinking of all the freemium unicorns that have gotten their wings over the last years. Box, DropBox, and Evernote all come to mind, but there are many more. дальше »
2019-8-14 12:20
A San Francisco startup guide for international entrepreneurs
San Francisco is hallowed ground for tech entrepreneurs. Every year thousands of founders travel to the city, set on starting the next unicorn. However, while the birthplace of Twitter and Uber certainly can provide connections, investors, and talent to help entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level, it’s also an extremely difficult ecosystem to survive in. дальше »
2019-8-13 18:05
8 ways small businesses can tap into 3D printing
3D printing, while still a developing technology, has immense potential for helping small businesses. From creating custom items to marketing and design, 3D printing offers a number of benefits in terms of efficiency and establishing connections that make the purchase of a 3D printer viable. дальше »
2019-8-9 12:00
Technology and the cobra effect: why big breakthroughs rarely deliver what they promise
New tech is always well-intentioned, but good intentions are no longer good enough. Technology is advancing at an insane rate, often faster than lawmakers and the general public can keep up. Accordingly, by the time we realize the complex ripple-effect of a new technology, it’s so deeply embedded into our culture that there isn’t much we can do about it. дальше »
2019-8-9 19:51
8 tips to eliminate distractions in your workplace
Technology promised to automate the tasks humans weren’t absolutely needed for, giving us time back and making us more productive in one fell swoop. But it did something else, too: It added distractions we’d never known. дальше »
2019-8-6 20:03
An entrepreneur’s guide to Brazil’s startup ecosystem
The past two decades have been marked by a period of sharp peaks and troughs for Brazil, the largest country in Latin America. On one hand, the country has undergone an impressive economic transformation, which led to Forbes in 2012 naming Brazil “one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world”. дальше »
2019-8-5 18:21
Better testing could solve most tech problems, so why aren’t companies doing it?
The headlines are packed with stories of high-tech gadgets, apps, and video games failing to meet consumer expectations due to performance failures or otherwise disappointing features. Samsung smartphones have been exploding, Nintendo Joy-Cons eventually run into a drifting problem, and countless apps and software programs have launched riddled with bugs. дальше »
2019-7-30 20:15
Almost a billion people watch esports {=~DATA!~=}
My new Q3 Global Digital Statshot report – published in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite – reveals that almost 1 billion people around the world are already watching video game tournaments. дальше »
2019-7-30 17:27
12 challenges businesses face when using open-source software
Open-source software can be an excellent resource, but it brings its own challenges. Here are some things to consider. дальше »
2019-7-26 12:00
Executives are out of touch with the human effects of digital darwinism
Digital Darwinism: the evolution of technology and its impact on markets and society. I’m sure you’ve heard it before: Happy employees mean happy customers. But what happens when customers and employees evolve to a point where executives lose sight of who they are, what they value and what they want? That’s exactly what’s happening in this era of digital Darwinism. дальше »
2019-7-23 08:09
Companies need to evolve to survive — here’s how you can manage that
I’ve often said that the only constant in business is change. Staying ahead of the competition, keeping pace with emerging technologies, and meeting customers’ needs as they arise requires agility and the ability to evolve a company’s business needs and those of its customers in real time. дальше »
2019-7-18 14:00
Why empathy won’t get automated anytime soon
Depending on who you ask, AI is either going to put us all out of a job or create more jobs than ever before. Either way, tech education is touted as the path to career success. But computer science majors keep launching startups that are technology- rather than people-centered. дальше »
2019-7-17 14:00
Counteracting the Sea of Sameness in Marketing
Follow the leader is not only a children’s game but a concept ingrained in the social psychology that drives us to emulate what’s popular. Marketers are notorious for paying close attention to what’s resonating in their industry amongst their peers and capitalizing on it, but often to a fault. дальше »
2019-7-17 19:45
To prepare today’s workforce for AI, they must understand it’s not a threat
For countless businesses across all industries and around the world, AI is dominating mindshare to impossible-to-ignore levels. It’s all entrepreneurs and business leaders can talk about: What does a future with AI look like? What are the gains that AI can make for my company? What are the losses? What’s the human impact – in jobs, in communication, in ways of working and interacting? And understandably that has caused a lot of concern, even distress, among many people, leaders, and workers alike. дальше »
2019-7-16 14:00
An entrepreneur’s guide to Miami’s startup ecosystem
Many may have been surprised when Miami made the shortlist for the Amazon HQ2 finalists, and even more so when Amazon’s search committee made a second trip to the city in the fall of 2018. дальше »
2019-7-15 19:26
The marijuana industry needs innovation to thrive
There’s a kind of boom and bust cycle that tends to follow the development of every new technology, or every major societal change. People get excited about the possibilities of the shiny new concept, they dump money into stocks, they start businesses in the industry, and they push public enthusiasm even higher. дальше »
2019-7-15 17:32
Nations must double down on AI R&D — or risk falling behind
Artificial intelligence technology is waiting for its Sputnik moment. The Soviet Union put its infamous unmanned probe into orbit around our planet in 1957. Though Sputnik resembled a two-foot wide beach ball and barely weighed 200 pounds, it was a shot heard around the world. дальше »
2019-7-15 14:00
6 foolproof content creation tips to boost your marketing strategy
Buzzwords like ‘content marketing’, ‘content creation strategy’, and ‘content is king’ mean a lot more to businesses today than they did a few years ago. In the modern, fast-paced, and highly competitive corporate stratosphere, content marketing has become more than just a technique to gain a competitive edge – it’s become a necessity. дальше »
2019-7-12 14:00
End-to-end encryption systems: 9 vital elements to remember
End-to-end encryption is an essential technology that can keep sensitive data secure when it is being transmitted digitally. Without proper encryption, important information — including your financial records, acquisition plans or worse, your customers’ credit card data — can easily fall into the wrong hands, with devastating results. дальше »
2019-7-12 12:00
How to keep focus in the office
Most of our workplaces are cluttered with distractions of many different kinds. These distractions are especially present in a popular open-office settings, which are proving to be more and more disruptive to the general productivity of teams. дальше »
2019-7-12 09:22
Why social media is key to keeping employees engaged at work
When it comes to social media and the workplace, platforms like Facebook and Twitter are typically viewed as distractions, rather than assets. However, when used properly, social media can become an invaluable tool for keeping employees more engaged, happy and connected at work. дальше »
2019-7-11 22:21
Fears of AI-powered hacking are misplaced as criminals are doing fine without it
Artificial intelligence is captivating tech news audiences. Unfortunately, growing expectations for AI’s impact on legitimate business have spawned a distracting narrative about potential AI-powered cyberattacks. дальше »
2019-7-11 14:00
Big businesses suffer from startup FOMO
Startups continue to push industries and technologies forward (and sideways) regardless of fluctuations in valuation and funding. At the same time, large companies around the world are scrambling to become part of the bustling startup culture to compete against, invest in or partner with promising entrepreneurs. дальше »
2019-7-11 08:36
Developing approaches: 8 industries AI could impact next
Artificial intelligence technologies are spreading at a rapid pace into a variety of businesses and job types. What will come of the tech, and which industries will be heaviest impacted, however, remains unclear. дальше »
2019-7-5 12:00
We need to talk marketing ethics: What to consider as a content writer
When I started writing, it was really just a hobby. I thought – since I’m already always scribbling away and habitually putting to paper everything I learn, I might as well start sharing it with blogs and communities across the web, to teach and to be taught. дальше »
2019-6-30 17:00
Why Google Duplex might make my design job redundant
A year ago, Google blew the world away with Duplex, an AI assistant that can make phone calls for you. The demo went viral and raised a lot of ethical and philosophical questions. Last month, Google announced an update for Duplex: it can now use websites for you. дальше »
2019-6-29 17:00
The world isn’t ready for deepfakes. Here’s what we need to do.
How well do you think you could discern between a genuine video of a politician or celebrity, and one that was generated to mimic their likeness, down to their body language quirks and accent? Thanks to illusory superiority, you probably think you’re better than average. дальше »
2019-6-29 19:58
Is Facebook really the corporate monster everyone wants it to be?
The ethics of Facebook, as a corporation, have come into question lately. Though criticisms of the platform have stretched back to its inception, the incident that inspired the most recent waves of ire seems to be the Cambridge Analytica data scandal of early 2018, in which it was revealed that a political consulting firm harvested data on millions of people without their knowledge or consent. дальше »
2019-6-29 19:48
11 things to remember when testing your product before launch day
Rolling out new hardware and software can be a stressful time for any business. You are excited about the new experience for your customers but nervous about any issues that could arise. In order to prepare, you need to test, test and test again to ensure there won’t be any problems with the product launch, or later down the road, that will force you to issue a recall or endanger your customers’ trust in you. дальше »
2019-6-28 12:00
Token hires don’t help diversity, making core changes does
Discussing diversity and inclusion (D&I) practices in the workplace can be a delicate subject — but it shouldn’t be. Rather than dance around the subject or get defensive about the reason for the imbalance, I believe HR leaders and CEOs must make a conscious and active effort to openly discuss how best to tackle the issue. дальше »
2019-6-25 17:00
Obsessing over first-page load time sabotages ecommerce businesses
A flawed approach to page speed measurement is sabotaging ecommerce sites. There, I said it. Now I know this might be an exaggeration, but it really is time for a change. A historical focus on network-based metrics — bytes downloaded per page or assets per page, for example — and an excessive emphasis placed on first-page load times have meant the rest of the customer journey on the web has suffered. дальше »
2019-6-24 17:00
Why it’s time to drop the dogma and become blockchain rationalists
In the past few years, the conversation about cryptocurrency has taken on the tenor of a religious debate, with people either identifying as evangelists or skeptics, maximalists or minimalists. дальше »
2019-6-23 17:00
Hackers are turning our AI security systems against us — but they can be stopped
With the use of AI growing in almost all areas of business and industry, we have a new problem to worry about – the “hijacking” of artificial intelligence. Hackers use the same techniques and systems that help us, to compromise our data, our security, and our lifestyle. дальше »
2019-6-22 17:00
Alternates to passwords: 11 ways to safeguard logins to websites or programs
We all have what feels like a million passwords to remember, and the constantly changing authentication process sometimes makes it difficult to know what your password is for any given site. In addition, many passwords are easily hackable, putting your personal information — or even worse, confidential details your customers entrusted you with — at risk. дальше »
2019-6-21 12:00
An entrepreneur’s guide to Indonesia’s startup scene
For most, Indonesia does not immediately spring to mind as a hub for startup innovation, not least because nearby Singapore has been traditionally known as the “Silicon Valley of Southeast Asia”. дальше »
2019-6-21 00:51
How to pick the best approach to data science (fyi, there are three)
As companies place an increasing premium on data science, there is some debate about which approach is best to adopt — and there is no straight up, one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on your organization’s needs and what you hope to accomplish. дальше »