Tatatu - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Netflix-On-The-Blockchain Project Abandons Crypto Aspirations Following ICO
TaTaTu, originally pitched as a streaming platform similar to Netflix that would also offer its own publicly traded token, raised $575 million in its 2018 token sale. Now the business running TaTaTu has stated crypto was never really part of the plan and blockchain tech only accounts for a small portion of the platform. дальше »
2019-6-29 18:51 | |
TaTaTu: A $500M Startup Has Replaced Half Its Original Team
One of last year’s biggest ICOs has replaced at least half of its original staff. TaTaTu (TTU), the third largest token sale on record, is in the midst of “changing the team,” company insiders told Crypto Briefing. дальше »
2019-2-8 00:01 | |
Johnny Depp-Linked ‘Crypto-Netflix’ Signs New Indie Producers
TaTaTu, the $575 million dollar cryptocurrency entertainment platform, has signed content agreements with three independent film production companies. This will see the platform, which has a development deal with Johnny Depp, add 50+ new movie and television titles. дальше »
2019-2-1 00:00 | |
TaTaTu Crypto Project Inks Partnership With Lakeshore Entertainment, Kew Media Group And Film4
TaTaTu Cryptocurrency Platform Seals Exclusive Deal With Lakeshore Entertainment, Kew Media Group, And Film4 For Over 50 Library Titles Andrea Lervolino’s brainchild “TaTaTu”, which is a social and entertainment platform centred around cryptocurrency, just concluded agreements for licensed content involving media titles from Lakeshore Entertainment, Film4, and Kew Media Group. More than 50 movies and […] дальше »
2019-1-31 21:18 | |
13 знаменитостей, поддерживающих криптовалюту
Несмотря на свою десятилетнюю историю, внимание публики криптовалюта привлекла относительно недавно, до этого же она являлась прерогативой программистов, разработчиков и предпринимателей, вовлеченных в отрасль на ранних этапах. дальше »
2019-1-22 21:58 | |
Fintage House Partners with TaTaTu to Accept Crypto Coins for Rights Transactions
Fintage house which has been established as a TV and film rights plus also a financial firm has just partnered with TaTaTu. The TaTaTu company is a social entertainment platform that has been able to leverage on the blockchain technology. дальше »
2018-11-14 22:03 | |
Fintage House Partners with TaTaTu and Accepts Cryptocurrency for Rights Transactions
Fintage House, a film and TV Rights, and financial services firm has recently partnered with TaTaTu, a social entertainment platform that leverages blockchain technology. According to Variety’s article published on November 12, 2018, the partnership with TaTaTu allows Fintage House to accept TaTaTu’s token (TTU) for television and film rights transactions. дальше »
2018-11-14 08:00 | |
Блокчейн-платформа TaTaTu и Джонни Депп — партнеры
Такое решение основывалось на совместной работе Деппа и Андреа Иерволино, создателем TaTaTu в съемках кинофильма, снятого ранее. Премьера киноленты пройдет в Рабате. Джонни очень радует перспектива совместного сотрудничества с Иерволино, являясь поклонником его творчества. дальше »
2018-10-25 13:30 | |
Блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu объявил о сотрудничестве с Джонни Деппом
Блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu, занимающимся производством кинофильмов, заявил о сотрудничестве с известным актером Джонни Деппом. Depp has entered into a collaborative film partnership with TaTaTu, and will be working with @IervolinoAndrea to bring stories to life https://t. дальше »
2018-11-19 18:00 | |
Hollywood Actor Johnny Depp Pens Development Deal with $500 Million ICO TaTaTu
Pirates of the Caribbean superstar Johnny Depp has signed a development deal with TaTaTu, a tokenized social entertainment platform founded by Andrea Iervolino, co-founder of AMBI Media Group. Reporting on October 22, 2018, Hollywood Reporter revealed that the deal commits both parties to produce film and digital content together. дальше »
2018-10-24 03:00 | |
Johnny Depp To Make Film On TaTaTu Blockchain
Pirates are always on the lookout for treasure, so it’s no surprise that Captain Sparrow is getting his share of the blockchain booty. Johnny Depp, who also performed as Raoul Duke and Edward Scissorhands, has teamed up with Andrea Iervolino to develop and co-produce a film through the blockchain-based entertainment platform, TaTaTu (TTU). дальше »
2018-10-24 00:49 | |
Джонни Депп начал партнерство с блокчейн-стартапом TaTaTu
Американский киноактер Джонни Депп (Johnny Depp) и кинопроизводственный блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu, который привлек $575 млн инвестиций в рамках частного размещения токенов TTU, заключили соглашение о совместном производстве фильма и цифрового контента с участием продюсерской компания Деппа Infinitum Nihil. дальше »
2018-10-24 22:14 | |
Джонни Депп стал партнёром развлекательного сервиса на блокчейне эфириума
Знаменитый американский актёр, кинорежиссёр, музыкант, сценарист и продюсер Джонни Депп подписал соглашение о сотрудничестве с Tatatu, платформой потокового видео на основе блокчейна эфириума, которой руководит итальянско-канадский продюсер, предприниматель и бизнесмен Андреа Иерволино. Об этом ... дальше »
2018-10-23 19:03 | |
Johnny Depp Partners With Crypto Entertainment Platform TaTaTu
Hollywood celebrity Johnny Depp has recently partnered with TaTaTu, a crypto-centric social entertainment platform, to produce both film and digital content. The post Johnny Depp Partners With Crypto Entertainment Platform TaTaTu appeared first on CoinSpeaker. дальше »
2018-10-23 18:59 | |
Джонни Депп стал партнером криптостартапа TaTaTu
Стартап по производству развлекательного контента TaTaTu объявил о заключении партнерского соглашения с актером Джонни Деппом. Стороны договорились о совместном производстве фильмов. Ранее, этим летом, TaTaTu, использующая собственный токен для выплат создателям контента, привлекла инвестиции на сумму $575 миллионов в ходе закрытого пресейла. дальше »
2018-10-23 16:18 | |
Johnny Depp Signs Deal With Crypto Entertainment Platform TaTaTu
The Hollywood Reporter revealed Monday that film star Johnny Depp will team up with crypto-centric entertainment streaming platform TaTaTu. The company is owned by producer and entrepreneur Andrea Iervolino who runs AMBI media group alongside Monika Bacardi. дальше »
2018-10-23 16:00 | |
Johnny Depp Signs Deal with Ethereum Based Entertainment Dapp
Johnny Depp has signed a partnership deal with Tatatu, an ethereum based Netflix like streaming platform mixed with TTU token economics run by entrepreneur Andrea Iervolino. “In this era of democratized. дальше »
2018-10-23 15:20 | |
Блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu объявил о сотрудничестве с Джонни Деппом
Актер Джонни Депп начал сотрудничество с занимающимся производством кинофильмов блокчейн-стартапом TaTaTu. Depp has entered into a collaborative film partnership with TaTaTu, and will be working with @IervolinoAndrea to bring stories to life https://t. дальше »
2018-10-23 13:03 | |
Johny Depp Teaming Up for a Cryptocurrency Collaboration
Johny Depp is reportedly teaming up with blockchain-based content sharing platformTaTaTu. The actor will participate in the partnership through his production company Infinitum Nihil. Johnny Depp Sails the Blockchain Sea Actor Johny Depp has signed a development deal with content sharing platform TaTaTu and its founder Andrea Iervolino. дальше »
2018-10-23 10:00 | |
Johnny Depp Teaming Up for a Cryptocurrency Collaboration
Johny Depp is reportedly teaming up with blockchain-based content sharing platformTaTaTu. The actor will participate in the partnership through his production company Infinitum Nihil. Johnny Depp Sails the Blockchain Sea Actor Johny Depp has signed a development deal with content sharing platform TaTaTu and its founder Andrea Iervolino. дальше »
2018-10-24 10:00 | |
TaTaTu Streaming Blockchain Platform to Air William Friedkin Biopic Movie
The social entertainment platform based on blockchain, TaTaTu, will be streaming the documentary Friedkin Uncut in North America and in the United Kingdom (UK). The information has been released on August 27 by TaTaTy. дальше »
2018-8-28 22:32 | |
TaTaTu Blockchain Platform Rewards Users for Watching Movies in TTU Tokens
TaTaTu Rewards Users for Watching Movies On their Platform Of course, we know that most top 100 virtual currencies have a very close relationship with Bitcoin. If the famous virtual currency moves up or down, altcoins tend to follow that trend. дальше »
2018-8-23 21:55 | |
Meet TaTaTu, a New Social Entertainment Platform That Pays Users in Crypto Tokens [For Watching Videos]
With a catchy name and what the company touts as the largest-ever cryptocurrency giveaway to date, the U. K. -based social entertainment platform TaTaTu seems to be aiming for one heck of a debut. дальше »
2018-7-29 17:19 | |
What Is TaTaTu Cryptocurrency?
Over the past few years, people have become aware of the fact that their personal data is often used by social media companies and online retailers for advertising purposes. In addition, a surge in the number of recent data privacy scandals has forced more people to make use of advanced security protocols so that they […] дальше »
2018-7-19 02:00 | |
Авторы байопика о создателе Ferrari привлекли $575 млн через токенсейл
Блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu, занимающийся производством кинофильмов, по итогам частного размещения токенов собрал $575 млн инвестиций. Основная часть средств будет направлена на съемки биографического фильма о создателе автомобильной марки Ferrari, пишет CoinDesk. дальше »
2018-6-22 16:43 | |
TaTaTu привлек по результатам ICO $575 млн
По итогам первичного размещения монет блокчейн-стартап TaTaTu привлек $575 млн. В закрытом ICO приняли участие BlockTower Capital, семья CEO Lvna Capital Аллана Кассиса, принц Феликс Люксембургский, а также леди Моника Бакарди из семьи владельцев Bacardi Limited, которая инвестировала в проект $100 млн. дальше »
2018-6-22 14:36 | |
Стартап TaTaTu неожиданно собрал $575 млн. в ходе ICO
Cтартап TaTaTu собрал впечатляющую сумму в $575 млн. на закрытой продаже токенов TTU. На сегодняшний день это третье самое крупное ICO (после EOS и Telegram). Об этом пишет Coindesk. Инвесторами проекта выступили компания BlockTower Capital, Моника Бакарди, семье которой принадлежит знаменитая компа... дальше »
2018-6-22 09:00 | |
Royal backing for 575 million ICO
If that sounds crazy – such a huge raise by a company called TaTaTu with no history in the crypto space – you wouldn’t be alone. “The large round seems surprising in the context of a crowded and bearish crypto industry, in which investors typically participate with crypto, and not fiat. We think it, in дальше »
2018-6-21 18:21 | |
Prince of Luxembourg, Lady Bacardi, Others, Invest Half a Billion Dollars in Tatatu Token Sale For Blockchain Entertainment
Within two hours, 200,000 individuals registered to download the alpha app of Tatatu, reaching maximum capacity for the alpha stage. John Couch, a former Apple executive, has joined to oversee. . дальше »
2018-6-21 17:52 | |