Результатов: 1496

US congresswoman introduces a new bill to ban illegal stablecoins

Rachida Tlaib, Michigan’s House Representative, alongside congressmen Jesus Garcia and Stephen Lynch, have introduced a new bill in Congress to ban the use of illegal stablecoins. A press release unveiled this news on December 2, noting that this bill seeks to improve protection for US citizens against the risks associated with the rapidly growing crypto market in the US. дальше »

2020-12-5 12:00


YoBit.net Virtual Mining Review: How Much You Can Realistically Earn From VMining?

Think it’s already too late to get into crypto mining in 2020 without digging a hole in your pocket? Well, not for sure! Not unless you are only interested in those ultra-expensive brick-and-mortar mining setups that can’t go without heavy investments in infrastructure, mining rigs, energy, and other associated costs. дальше »

2020-11-11 19:48


How The Biden Administration May Impact The Bitcoin Price In 2021, According To Industry Experts And Investors

After four painfully long days of counting the votes, Joe Biden was finally declared the 46th president of the United States. Major news agencies and the Associated Press declared Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 race, although Donald Trump is yet to concede the election. With the election […] дальше »

2020-11-11 00:34

Chainlink is About to Shatter a Crucial Resistance Level as Analysts Eye $13+

Chainlink has been flashing signs of immense strength throughout the past few days, rebounding from its recent lows alongside Ethereum and the aggregated DeFi sector. Most of the cryptocurrencies associated with decentralized finance have posted large gains throughout the past couple of days, primarily coming about following Yearn. дальше »

2020-11-9 04:00

Associated Press зaпишeт peзультaты выбopoв в CШA в блoкчeйнe Ethereum

Интeгpaция тexнoлoгии блoкчeйн пpoиcxoдит пpaктичecки кaждый дeнь, нaпpимep, нeдaвнo Associated Press (AP) выбpaлa блoкчeйн Ethereum для вeдeния cтaтиcтики пocлeдниx пpeзидeнтcкиx выбopoв в CШA. Heкoммepчecкoe инфopмaциoннoe aгeнтcтвo, ocнoвaннoe пoчти 200 лeт нaзaд, вeдёт пoдcчёт гoлocoв c мoмeнтa cвoeгo ocнoвaния в 1848 гoду и cдeлaeт тo жe caмoe в этoм гoду, coбиpaя, пpoвepяя гoлoca и oбъявляя пoбeдитeлeй […] дальше »

2020-11-7 10:15

Associated Press публикует результаты выборов в США на блокчейнах эфириума и EOS

Информационное агентство Associated Press (AP) публикует результаты президентских выборов в США на блокчейнах эфириума и EOS. На странице для разработчиков описано, как получить доступ к результатам выборов, которые записываются в блокчейн с помощью решения OraQle от Everipedia. дальше »

2020-11-4 15:51


New York Regulator Urges Crypto Businesses to Be Cognizant of Climate Change Risks

The New York financial watchdog has urged companies to be more mindful of risks associated with climate change. Asked to Pay Closer Attention to Risks Associated with Climate Change On Thursday, the New York financial regulation – The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) – sent a letter to all regulated crypto companies sayingRead MoreRead More. дальше »

2020-10-31 14:00


Associated Press применит блокчейн для борьбы с недостоверными новостями

Информационное агентство Associated Press (AP) сотрудничает с Everipedia и децентрализованной сетью оракулов Chainlink для отслеживания поддельных новостей. дальше »

2020-10-19 15:38

Coinbase to Sponsor Bitcoin Developers to Help the Grow & Maintain the BTC Protocol

“Excited to be supporting more Bitcoin protocol development. This is a great start, but hopefully, we can expand this program over time,” said Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong as the exchange announced that it is sponsoring Bitcoin developers who contribute directly to the Bitcoin Core codebase or closely associated Bitcoin projects. дальше »

2020-10-16 20:58

Peзультaты выбopoв в CШA будут зaпиcaны в блoкчeйн

Heзaвиcимaя глoбaльнaя нoвocтнaя opгaнизaция Associated Press oбъeдинилa cвoи уcилия c энциклoпeдиeй Everipedia, ocнoвaннoй нa блoкчeйнe, для публикaции и pacпpocтpaнeния peзультaтoв выбopoв в CШA 2020 гoдa нeпocpeдcтвeннo в pacпpeдeлённoм peecтpe. дальше »

2020-10-16 12:00


How An Ineffective And Inadequate Banking System In Latin America Is Accelerating Cryptocurrency Adoption

Cryptocurrency has become a buzz word for individuals looking to make a ton of money through speculation. However, it’s not just speculation for some people. Individuals and businesses in Latin America are turning to crypto to escape from the chaos associated with the banking sector. дальше »

2020-9-5 17:49

Binance On The Spot As Ransomware Attackers Cash Out Over $1 Million On The Exchange

A new report from unnamed researchers points at Bitcoin as one of the contributors to increased hacking by popular ransomware, Ryuk – launched in 2018. According to Interpol, BTC is rising as a favorite option for hackers as the payment is given the privacy associated with the token. Since launch, over $61 million in BTC […] дальше »

2020-8-24 15:31