2020-10-19 15:38 |
Информационное агентство Associated Press (AP) сотрудничает с Everipedia и децентрализованной сетью оракулов Chainlink для отслеживания поддельных новостей. источник »
2020-10-19 15:38 |
Информационное агентство Associated Press (AP) сотрудничает с Everipedia и децентрализованной сетью оракулов Chainlink для отслеживания поддельных новостей. источник »
Информационное агентство Associated Press анонсировало запуск платформы для продажи собственных фотографий в виде NFT. Маркетплейс построят на блокчейне Polygon, говорится в пресс-релизе.
2022-1-12 14:35 | |
Информационное агентство Associated Press (AP) выставило на аукцион невзаимозаменяемый токен (NFT), посвященный внесенным в блокчейн президентским выборам в США 2020 года. The Associated Press is auctioning off their first #NFT artwork on @opensea to commemorate calling the 2020 Presidential Election on the blockchain.
2021-3-5 15:47 | |
Heзaвиcимaя глoбaльнaя нoвocтнaя opгaнизaция Associated Press oбъeдинилa cвoи уcилия c энциклoпeдиeй Everipedia, ocнoвaннoй нa блoкчeйнe, для публикaции и pacпpocтpaнeния peзультaтoв выбopoв в CШA 2020 гoдa нeпocpeдcтвeннo в pacпpeдeлённoм peecтpe.
2020-10-16 12:00 | |
The Associated Press (AP), the world’s most trusted news agency, will distribute race calls to Everipedia, a market leading blockchain knowledge company, which will publish them cryptographically on...
2020-10-16 09:24 | |
The Associated Press’s (AP) 2020 election results will be recorded on Everipedia’s EOS-based blockchain network, a first for the nearly 200-year-old news agency.
2020-10-16 18:00 | |
The Associated Press’s (AP) 2020 election results will be recorded on Everipedia’s EOS-based blockchain network, a first for the nearly 200-year-old news agency.
2020-10-16 18:00 | |
According to Associated Press report, a Japanese high court upheld a lower court’s ruling on the Mt. Gox saga, a crypto exchange that went bankrupt after 850,000 Bitcoins were hacked from the exchange.
2020-6-13 18:56 | |
Президент Ирана Хасан Рухани выступил с предложением создать единую цифровую валюту исламских государств в ходе саммита в Малайзии, сообщает Associated Press. «Мусульманский мир должен разрабатывать меры, чтобы спастись от господства доллара США и американского финансового режима», — заявил он.
2019-12-20 09:41 | |
Financial Action Task Force’s FATF week will see the representatives from 205 countries and jurisdictions around the world, the IMF, UN, World Bank, and other organizations discuss matters concerning the stablecoins and virtual assets and the risks associated with it.
2019-10-12 20:30 | |
There have been concerns raised about the privacy associated with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Many users would want to have a measure of privacy but unfortunately, such features.
2019-10-6 19:07 | |
The tension between the government of the U. S. and Venezuela has recently skyrocketed. In a move against the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, the U. S. administration decided to freeze all possible Venezuelan assets.
2019-8-6 20:45 | |
After weeks of sideways movement, Bitcoin is in the news again. However, this time has little to do with the coin’s price. Instead, it is associated with Square, Inc. releasing its Q2 Shareholders’ report.
2019-8-2 15:23 | |
As per an all new press release issued by the folks over at Certik, the blockchain security firm has just launched its native blockchain platform called — Certik Chain. In regards to this development, it is worth pointing out that all of the full nodes associated with the network will be run using CertiKOS — […]
2019-7-23 18:29 | |
Scaling has been one of the major issues associated with Bitcoin over the past few years. Bitcoin’s scaling problem was often held in accordance with Moore’s Law and it was predicted that if the law had held through, Bitcoin’s memory capacity would have increased by a factor of 8 megabytes.
2019-7-2 02:30 | |
Норвежские следователи предполагают, что пропавшую супругу одного из богатейших норвежцев Тома Хагена убили, сообщило агентство Associated Press. 68-летняя Анне-Элизабет Фалкевик Хаген пропала 31 октября 2018 года.
2019-6-27 17:30 | |
Город Ривьера-Бич в штате Флорида на этой неделе согласился выплатить $600 000 выкупа в биткоинах банде хакеров, которые зашифровали важные компьютерные данные этого города. Отцы города решили, что мероприятия по борьбе с кражей этих данных, а также усилия по расшифровке окажутся ещё более дорогими и даже бесполезными.
2019-6-21 11:27 | |
$nbsp; By CCN: Mark Karpeles, disgraced CEO of the infamous Mt. Gox crypto exchange, has revealed new plans in the blockchain space. According to Associated Press, he will launch a new venture with a view to making Japan a “global leader in blockchain.
2019-6-5 12:36 | |
The former CEO of defunct cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox, Mark Karpeles, wants to start a new Blockchain business in Japan. Karpeles’ Blockchain Gift To Japan Those were the plans Karpeles reportedly told the press in comments June 5, as he appeals a conviction for data manipulation as part of the Mt.
2019-6-5 10:30 | |
By CCN: The Associated Press got dragged on Twitter after issuing its ridiculous style rules for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. In short, the AP guidelines underscored that the self-proclaimed editorial style gurus don’t understand crypto at all.
2019-5-31 18:13 | |
The new Associated Press style guide for 2019 includes clarifications on cryptocurrencies and blockchain terminology
2019-5-30 02:30 | |
Does showing up in the AP stylebook count as mass adoption? Regardless, the Associated Press wants you to stop using "crypto" when referring to cryptocurrency.
2019-5-31 00:10 | |
Cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and ethereum finally make it into the venerable AP Stylebook.
2019-5-30 00:00 | |
Bitcoin [BTC] and other cryptocurrencies slowly have been grabbing the attention of the entire world over the past years. The largest-cryptocurrency, Bitcoin became one of the most controversial topics when it went through a major surge, nearly reaching $20,000.
2019-5-30 22:18 | |
Bitfinex and Tether’s legal counsel has written a response to the New York Attorney General’s (NYAG) ex parte order, which claims that Bitifinex used Tether’s reserves to cover some $850 million in losses.
2019-5-1 01:22 | |
Бывший CEO некогда крупнейшей криптовалютной биржи Mt. Gox Марк Карпелес намерен оспорить приговор Токийского окружного суда, признавшего его виновным в подделке документов и приговоривший к четырем годам условного заключения, сообщает Associated Press со ссылкой на адвоката Нобуяши Огата.
2019-3-31 12:56 | |
Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) wants stakeholders to know that it regards security token offerings (STOs) as securities. The SFC issued a press release on March 28, 2019, intimating investors of the regulatory status and associated risks of STOs.
2019-3-31 09:00 | |
The former chief executive of shuttered bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox is going for the trifecta now that his trial is over. Mark Karpeles got off scot-free on charges of embezzlement and breach of trust.
2019-3-30 17:25 | |
A former “ethical hacker” with a number of high-profile institutions plans to host a blockchain security demonstration live at South By South West (SXSW) 2019. According to a press release, Rob Pope, currently of Dogtown Media and formerly a security specialist with HSBC and Barclays, will present on the weaknesses of various encrypted systems associated.
2019-3-14 02:00 | |
Власти Китая планируют отменить положение о принудительной передаче технологий при выходе иностранных компаний на рынок страны. Соответствующий законопроект будет вынесен на обсуждение в рамках Всекитайского собрания народных представителей, пишет Associated Press, ссылаясь на заявление китайского чиновника.
2019-3-6 12:22 | |
After a week of community discontent, cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has decided to sever its business relationship with Neutrino employees who previously worked at the notorious Italian malware/software provider Hacking Team.
2019-3-5 19:09 | |
Anyone can play video games, right? If you’ve been following recent buzz in the gaming industry, you might be under the impression that video games are more accessible than they’ve ever been. Popular talking points include how video game audiences are increasingly large and diverse.
2019-2-23 20:00 | |
According to a recent statement made by Ohio’s state treasurer, so far, only two businesses have filed their taxes in crypto using the state’s crypto tax payment scheme.
2019-2-22 01:23 | |
Bitcoin Supporter And Anarchist Dies After Being Attacked In Acapulco A Bitcoin and cryptocurrency analyst called John Galton died as a result of an attack in Mexico. The information was released by the Associated Press on February 3.
2019-2-4 21:47 | |
B2C2, a cryptocurrency “liquidity provider” and electronic OTC trading magnate, has recently announced that British regulators have given their U. K. -based subsidiary approval to offer the crypto space a new investment derivative.
2019-2-1 20:57 | |
Операции с криптовалютой блокировать сложнее, считают в руководстве движения. Палестинское исламское движение ХАМАС призвало своих сторонников отказаться от пожертвований в традиционной валюте в пользу биткоина.
2019-1-31 11:07 | |
The Associated Foreign Press (AFP) and Al Jazeera report Hamas has called on its supporters to send bitcoin. “Support the resistance financially through the bitcoin currency,” said Abu Obeida, a spokesman.
2019-1-31 18:00 | |
Automattic, компания-разработчик WordPress, запустит издательскую платформу с использованием блокчейна для новостных порталов. В новой платформе имеются встроенные блокчейн-инструменты. По данным разработчиков, она создана с целью освободить небольшие новостные ресурсы по всему миру от разработки, поддержки новостных порталов, хостинга и безопасности.
2019-1-17 10:33 | |
Криптокомпания NEM Foundation создаст блокчейн-решение для защиты авторских прав журналистов в Аргентине. Для этого NEM Foundation подписала меморандум о взаимопонимании с аргентинским профсоюзом журналистов CISPREN из города Кордова в центре Аргентины.
2019-1-10 17:04 | |
A Swedish man suspected in a case involving a bomb being mailed to a Bitcoin firm has been convicted of attempted murder and is facing up to seven years in prison. Swedish Bitcoin Bomber Convicted of Attempted Murder According to the Associated Press, Michael Salonen, age 43, has been sentences to up to seven years.
2018-11-10 20:00 | |
9 ноября шведский суд приговорил Михаэля Салонена к семи годам тюрьмы за попытку послать почтой бомбу в лондонский обменник биткоинов, а также за письма с угрозами, адресованные шведским законодателям и членам правительства.
2018-11-9 14:51 | |
Utility billing and payment services provider Novatti is launching a new Australian dollar (AUD)-backed stablecoin known as the Novatti AUD Utility Token on the Stellar Network.
2018-10-25 20:58 | |
Season 2 of Distributed Dialogues has begun, and a general theme will be the connection of major, real-world problems to possible solutions using blockchain technology.
2018-10-25 20:41 | |
Civil, a blockchain startup that has partnered with Forbes and The Associated Press, failed to reach the $8 million minimum target it set for its initial coin offering this week, suggesting an end to the days when promoters simply had to hint at collaborations with established companies to woo investors.
2018-10-18 18:00 | |
Despite a flurry of media attention surrounding the project, Civil, an Ethereum-based platform aiming to save journalism, can’t seem to get enough buyers for its token.
2018-10-12 23:57 | |
Since the introduction of the blockchain, we’ve commonly seen the decentralized technology associated with digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ripple. While those are viable use cases, Australia is looking to innovate on traditional blockchain-based payment solutions.
2018-10-9 20:53 | |
Bitcoin Press Release: Mobile virtual network operator Miracle Tele has released details of its’ ongoing Token Sale, where funds raised will be used to create a decentralized mobile network services that disrupts the mobile network industry, and hand power back to the consumer.
2018-9-25 20:09 | |
California’s campaign watchdog arm, the Fair Political Practices Commission, ruled that candidates will not be allowed to receive donations for political campaigns with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the Associated Press reported on September 21, 2018.
2018-9-23 11:00 | |
Кандидаты на государственные должности в Калифорнии теперь не смогут получать пожертвования в криптовалютах. Об этом говорится в новых правилах Комиссии по справедливой политической практике штата (FPPC) — политического надзорного органа. 20 сентября Associated Press сообщило, что эта комисс...
2018-9-21 12:35 | |