Google Cloud rolls out new blockchain RPC service

2024-9-18 11:22

Google Cloud announced the new blockchain remote procedure call service on Sept. 17 The blockchain RPC service is compatible with Ethereum and offers up to 100 requests per second. Google Cloud targets developers in the web3 space, aiming to scale development and deployment of decentralized applications.

Google’s cloud computing platform has announced the launch of a new Remote Procedure Call service aimed at supporting developers in the web3 space.

According to details in an announcement, Google Cloud’s blockchain RPC service is fully-compatible with Ethereum. Developers will leverage the new service for a cost-effective, scalable and reliable access to blockchain data.

The RPC service targets developers building decentralized applications across the Web3 ecosystem, from startups to large enterprises. All these will have the opportunity to leverage Google Cloud’s reliability and performance, the company said.

“Google Cloud’s Blockchain RPC offerings deliver fast response times – exactly what you’d expect from them,” Kyle Quintal, head of engineering at 0xArc, said in a statement.

“Coupled with the fact that Google Cloud follows the EIP1474 standards and has the free-tier option, we integrated its service into our system right away and haven’t looked back,” Quintal added.

Initial support for Ethereum

Other than offering a free tier, the Blockchain RPC allows for up to 100 requests per second. While it will initially support the Ethereum mainnet and testnets, Google Cloud plans to expand the service to more blockchain networks over the next one year.

Google Cloud will host a webinar aimed at discussing its new RPC product on October 10, 2024

This is Google Cloud’s latest Web3 push, with recent inroads including the addition of 11 blockchain networks to its public datasets program ‘BigQuery.’

The platform has also inked partnerships with multiple blockchain platforms, including Polygon, Sui and Fantom.

The post Google Cloud rolls out new blockchain RPC service appeared first on CoinJournal.

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