reserve federal → Результатов: 126

Why The U.S. Fed Could Give Crypto Banks Access To Legacy Banking System

According to a press release, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) might provide crypto banks and other entities with access to Federal Reserve accounts and payment services. Following two proposals from the Federal Reserve Board in May 2021 and March 2022, the institution has arrived at final guidelines for these purposes. Related Reading: MakerDAO Set To […]

2022-8-16 00:46


Government Save Bank of St. Louis Includes Crypto Cost Following to Inquire about Database

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis will now be tracking the prices of four cryptocurrencies on their research database, according to a June 19 post on the bank’s website. The database, called the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), will now include the prices of Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) from

2018-6-22 00:48

ФРБ Сент-Луиса начал отслеживать колебания курсов 4 криптовалют

Федеральный резервный банк Сент-Луиса добавил информацию о движении курсов биткоина, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum и Litecoin с 2014 года в экономические данные Федерального резерва (Federal Reserve Economic Data или FRED).

2018-6-22 23:27