A lot of proponents of so-called altcoins make a big deal about their favourite crypto project’s superiority to Bitcoin. Networks like BSV, BCH, and XRP have been especially tailored towards their associated assets’ use as a medium of exchange.
Being distributed and largely pseudonymous, actual usage of a cryptocurrency is difficult to assess. One metric that analysts can use to judge the level of a specific crypto asset’s usage is by looking at how wealth distributions change over time.
Bitcoin Wealth Becoming More Distributed, Others Less So
According to the most recent CoinMetrics report in a series titled “State of the Network”, the circulating supply of Bitcoin is becoming more distributed. This, the researchers conclude, suggests an increasing number of network users.
Purchases, gifts of crypto, salary payments, and investments all contribute to the widening of a digital currency’s total distribution. Meanwhile, trading at a centralised exchange, which involves funds deposited to the trading venue (likely already one largest “holders” of that digital currency), will decrease a coin’s distribution.
The Coin Metrics researchers looked at eight different sizes of wallet balances. The largest being those that held at least 1/1,000th of the total supply of the coin. The smallest group of wallets were those holding at least 1/10 billionth but not more than one billionth of the total supply.
As highlighted in the following tweet by CasaHODL co-founder Jameson Lopp, Bitcoin actually tops the list in terms of its overall distribution. Granted, it has had a head start, and didn’t launch with a pre-mine.
How concentrated is crypto wealth? As of February 2020, large addresses storing over 1/1000th of the total money supply on a given network hold about:95% of XLM85% of XRP46% of LTC40% of ETH29% of BCH24% of BSV11% of BTCH/T @Coinometrics https://t.co/2fLR5I1T6A
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) February 18, 2020
Meanwhile, the most prominent fork of Bitcoin, BCH, is seeing wealth concentration increasing. Although the network inherited its initial distribution from BTC, large addresses now hold around 29 percent of the BCH out there. This is an increase on the 14 percent distribution at the time of the 2017 fork.
BSV distribution has actually increased slightly from that reported at the time of its own hard fork in November 2018. From 26 percent held in the largest wallets, the figure now stands at 24 percent. However, for a network touted to be revolutionising the world of commerce, you’d expect a more rapid growth in distribution.
The researchers also highlight a huge lack of supply distribution in both XRP and XLM. A massive 95 percent of the XLM supply is held by addresses with at least 1/1,000th of the total supply.
Not quite as bad is XRP, which is seeing distribution widening faster. That said, the group of largest wallets still holds 85 percent of the total XRP supply today.
Coin Metrics attributes this concentration of wealth to the fact that both XRP and XLM have “official foundations”. The fact that these organisations hold such large percentages of the circulating supply has been justification for criticism of both platforms in the past.
What Can We Learn from Supply Distribution?
According to the Coin Metrics researchers, an increasing distribution, as is being witnessed in BTC, USDT, and to lesser extents, XRP and XLM, is a potential sign of growing usage of the asset. That usage still includes speculation but also includes the kind of economic activity newer digital asset networks strive to facilitate.
Interestingly, despite being an effort to make Bitcoin more useful as a medium of exchange, the above metric shows that BCH is becoming more concentrated in the hands of a few. This suggests that the wealthiest holders are accumulating more or that BCH is increasingly stockpiled by traders in exchange wallets.
Related Reading: Signal That Preceded 10% Bitcoin Boom Appears Again, and It’s Big for Bulls
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One of the oldest cryptocurrency exchanges on the market, Kraken, announced that they’ll introduce XRP and Bitcoin Cash BCH margin trading on its platform. The addition will expand their margin offering to 8 assets, as these two will now be tradable alongside Bitcoin (XBT), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Augur (REP), Monero (XMR), and Tether […]
The post Kraken stirring the Ripple pot: Is it Ripple or XRP and why does it even matter? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.
29 декабря криптобиржа Kraken объявила на своей странице в твиттере о запуске маржинальной торговли криптовалютами Bitcoin Cash (BCH) и Ripple (XRP). В сообщении платформы отмечается, что операции можнос активами BCH и XRP в паре с биткоином, американским долларом и евро.
Kraken – a San Francisco based cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2011 – announced in a blog post earlier today that it’s adding XRP and BCH margin trading to its platform. These news come amid a trend where exchanges and other platforms are adding XRP support.
The popular cryptocurrency exchange Kraken has announced that is launched margin trading for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and XRP. This would allow users to trade virtual currencies with funds that they do not actually have allowing them to make greater profits but amplifying their losses as well. The information was released in a blog post by […]
Kraken has launched margin trading for Bitcoin Cash pairings, now supporting leveraged trading for BCH/XBT, BCH/USD, and BCH/EUR markets. The exchange has also launched margin trading for XRP, now offering up to 5x leverage on XRP pairings.
Криптовалютная биржа Kraken открыла для пользователей площадок kraken. com и trade. kraken. com возможность проводить маржинальные торги с Bitcoin Cash (BCH) и Ripple (XRP) в парах с биткоином, американским долларом и евро, расширив предложение, ранее доступное для торговли XBT, ETH, ETC, REP, XMR и USDT.
Популярная биткоин-биржа Kraken запустила в субботу, 29 декабря, маржинальные торги с Bitcoin Cash и XRP. We have enabled margin trading for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Ripple (XRP)! The addition expands our margin offering to 8 assets.
Американская криптобиржа Kraken сообщила о запуске маржинальной торговли в парах с Bitcoin Cash и XRP. Теперь клиенты торговой площадки могут обменивать BCH и XRP на bitcoin, доллар или евро с возможностью использования займа, увеличивая таким образом размер своих позиций.
Трейдеры, которым нравится покупать на короткие позиции криптовалюту, такую как Bitcoin и Эфириум, могут быть в восторге от того, что теперь им будет предоставлена подобная возможность с Bitcoin Cash и Ripple, которая для них теперь открыта на криптобирже Кракена.
The crypto markets woke up today gaining over $10 billion in valuation in only 2 hours. Most cryptocurrencies are back in the green sustaining double digit gains. Ethereum is up almost 20%, Bitcoin Cash and EOS are up 15%, and XRP is up 10%.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Kraken announced today the launch of Ripple (XRP) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) margin trading. The addition expands the company’s margin offering to eight (8) assets, which already includes: Bitcoin (XBT), Ethereum.
Мальтийская биржа OKEx объявила о запуске криптовалютного дериватива на базе Ethereum — бессрочного свопа. ETH PERPETUAL SWAP: We are launching the ETH perpetual swap at 13:00pm Dec 26, 2018 (CET, UTC+1).
За несколько лет своего существования криптовалютная экосистема невероятно выросла причем, если в 2013 году функционировало только 29 криптовалютных рынков, то сейчас их количество превысило 2000. Обзор криптовалютных рынков прошлых лет также демонстрирует значительные изменения в рыночной капитализации и цене ведущих альткойнов.
VCTRADE, a crypto exchange launched by Japanese financial giant SBI Holdings, has implemented Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and XRP (XRP) deposits, Cointelegraph reported. The exchange, which was launched for pre-registered users in June and for public in July, is considering adding Bitcoin Cash (BCH) deposits after further evaluation of the cryptocurrency. SBI has also explained […]
Криптобиржа VCTRADE японского финансового гиганта SBI Holdings открыла возможность внесения депозитов в Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) и Ripple (XRP). Согласно пресс-релизу оператора биржи, компании SBI Virtual Currencies, рассматривается возможность добавления функции внесения сумм и в Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
Greenish Outlook across the markets A Bullish momentum has engulfed the crypto markets with green dominating across the board. This follows a tumultuous and shaky post fork period that resulted into a schism of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) after which a bearish momentum engulfed the markets.
Messari. io has turned OnchainFX into a real beast since acquiring them earlier this year. The number of data points available on their site is growing with each passing day and they, along with coinmetrics.
Regardless of what the overall cryptocurrency market momentum may bring to the table, there will always be arbitrage opportunities to take advantage of. That is also what makes these markets so interesting to watch at any given time.
Криптовалютный стартап Revolut получил лицензию на осуществление банковской деятельности в Евросоюзе. Лицензию выдал Банк Литвы.
В ближайшие месяцы клиенты Revolut из Великобритании, Франции, Германии и Польши станут обладателями банковских счетов и дебетовых карт.
Стороннее приложение позволяет оплачивать поездки на Uber с помощью BTC; служба социальных настроений The Tie рассказывает какие криптовалюты обсуждают в твиттере.
A new day has dawned upon cryptocurrency markets, which means arbitrage trading takes center stage. There are numerous options available today, although most of them involve the use of YoBit once again.
The “crypto week” 2 to 8 December was another bloody week for cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin the leading cryptocurrency dipped below $3,500 and has been at that level for the past few days. Ethereum also went below $100 after the brief recovery the market experienced.
It gets dark earlier and it slowly gets colder. Crypto winter is here! What are the current prices of crypto currencies? The Bitcoin price is still declining Bitcoin: The dive continues. At the time of writing, the value of Bitcoin fluctuates around the $3400 mark.
If you bought $100 worth of bitcoin on December 3rd last year, you would sit on a “pile of money” worth $34. Similar story is with all other top coins with one exception – the “bankers” coin XRP is the only one that outperformed fiat and with $100 invested, you would now have $137.
The long on-going run between the speedy coin is still visible in a foggy way in the crypto-industry. In the case of businesses dedicated to facilitating payments between individuals, the choice of which blockchain to use and which fintech to hire is of vital importance for their growth.
The month of November has been very eventful, probably the most eventful in the history of cryptocurrency. The market got a really hard blow in a rather incredible bear market which is possibly the worst in a single month for the industry.
После того, как в январе этого года японская криптобиржа Coincheck стала жертвой ограбления, лишившись $553 млн, она восстановила все криптовалюты, включённые в листинг на её платформе. Биржа возобновила услуги депозита и покупки всех девяти криптовалют, доступных на момент ограбления: это XRP, токен factom (FCT), биткоин, эфириум, ethereum classic (ETC), лайткоин (LTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), NEM […]
Ripple’s XRP is further solidifying its second place on the crypto market rankings while Ethereum keeps hovering among the worst performers. EOS on the other side is chasing the 4th place, not so much on its own merits, rather thanks to the disintegration of BCH.
After a prolonged downward spiral, the Bitcoin price recovered somewhat on Monday, November 26. It has thus risen by almost nine percent in the last 24 hours. Satoshi Nakamoto’s crypto currency is currently 4,092 US dollars.
With Bitcoin Cash’s (BCH) above 50. 00% decline in the last seven days, other altcoins together with the leader Bitcoin BTC [keeping in mind the market’s current sentiment] were bound to drop at least at a double digit level.
NYC hacker steals $1 million worth of cryptocurrency with a phone call 21-year-old Nicholas Truglia has been arrested and charged with 21 counts of felony conduct, including attempted grand theft, identity theft, and fraud.
Bitcoin has experienced perhaps one of the worst few weeks in a long time, with its price declining over 30 percent from its steady $6,000 to a low of nearly $4,000. Some believe that hash power had to do with the decline, especially because it was delegated to the BCH chain. The chain has seen […]
За последние 24 часа крипторынок потерял около $4 млрд., основные криптовалюты, такие как BTC, BCH, ETH и XRP, потеряли 2-8%, но некоторые токены выросли в цене, почему?
Cryptocurrency markets have continued to see significant losses, with BCH, BTC, and ETH posting new lows for 2018. Despite also losing fiat value, XRP’s gains when priced in BTC have extended its dominance over ETH.
The BCH hash war may be the most disastrous event for the prices of cryptocurrencies in general. Not only did the price of that altcoin collapsed by almost 50% as a result of this confrontation, but practically the entire community and the rest of the projects have suffered its consequences.
Рэн Нойнер (Ran NeuNer), ведущий телешоу Crypto Trader на канале CNBC и основатель OnChain Capital, порекомендовал в Twitter криптовалютным трейдерам воздерживаться от инвестиций в Bitcoin (BTC) и Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
Сервис Coinbase Custody, оказывающий услуги по безопасному хранению криптовалютных активов для институциональных инвесторов, официально добавил Ripple (XRP) в список поддерживаемых активов. На сегодняшний день платформа поддерживает bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum Classic (ETC), 0x (ZRX), Basic Attention Token (BAT), OmiseGo (OMG) и XRP.
The drama surrounding the recent Bitcoin Cash fork has comprised the catalyst for significant action across the cryptocurrency market, with both BCH and BTC posting new lows for 2018 on Nov. 15. Meanwhile, XRP has again overtaken ETH to rank as the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.
Ведущий телеканала CNBC, основатель Onchain и криптовалютный трейдер Ран Нойнер шокировал свою аудиторию, опубликовав твит, собравший тысячи лайков и несколько сот ретвитов – призыв забыть о биткоине и Bitcoin Cash и сфокусироваться на инвестициях в XRP.
Ran Neuner of CNBC, also the founder of Onchain has advised users to ditch Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and focus solely on investing in XRP. The highly pronounced cryptocurrency trader has left users in shock after the tweet which has now garnered over a thousand likes and has been retweeted over three hundred times.
Криптобиржа OKCoin запустила в Аргентине регулируемую криптовалютную торговую площадку с поддержкой фиатных валют. Согласно заявлению компании, клиенты получили возможность торговать парами с биткоином (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Stellar (XLM), Zcash (ZEC) и 0x (ZRX) против аргентинского песо (ARS).
By now, the entire crypto-verse is aware of the crypto market turmoil that was ignited by the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Hash Wars that are still ongoing. The two different camps aligned to Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin Cash SV have been blamed for causing the value of Bitcoin (BTC) to drop significantly in a time […]
The post XRP and Stellar (XLM) Continue To Thrive Amidst Market Turmoil appeared first on Ethereum World News.
Yesterday XRP overtook Ethereum and claimed the #2 spot on CoinMarketCap. Is Bitcoin next? Market Overview It’s too early to determine whether the market has ‘recovered’ from yesterday’s unannounced slaughter.
The new venue offers trading between the Argentine peso and several digital coins including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP (XRP), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
XRP официально добавален на сервис Coinbase Custody, который позволяет институциональным клиентам безопасно хранить большие объемы криптовалют. В октябре Департамент финансовых услуг штата Нью-Йорк одобрил размещение криптовалют Ripple(XRP), Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash(BCH), Ethereum(ETH) и Ethereum Classic(ETC) на платформе, открывающей перед игроками с Уолл-Стрит дверь на криптовалютный рынок. Однако это не единственный повод, с которым […]
Управление финансовых услуг штата Нью-Йорк выдало лицензию BitLicense инвестиционной компании New York Digital Investment Execution (NYDIG Execution), сообщает официальный сайт ведомства. Компания получила разрешение работать с пятью криптовалютами: биткоин (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP) и Litecoin (LTC).
On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has approved and since granted, New York Digital Investment Group’s arm, NYDIG Execution LLC a BitLicense, which is essential for firms that offer virtual currency-related services.
Degen, the memecoin on Base that’s looking to dump this tag with a pivot to greater utility via the new DEGEN Chain, is surprisingly showing strong traction across two on-chain metrics. According to IntoTheBlock data, Degen has outpaced major meme…
The total value of all assets locked on decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols has surged to a three-month high of $42 billion after being at its lowest point since February 2021 just two weeks ago.
Bricks (BRICK), the native token of Reddit's Fortnite community, surged by 100% over the past 24-hours following a two-month downswing that saw it lose more than 80% of its value.
Flare blockchain, often known as the blockchain for data, has forged a partnership with Arkham, a leading provider of blockchain analytics and intelligence solutions. This collaboration, effective as of September 29th, brings Flare’s robust network data analysis capabilities into the fold of Arkham’s Intelligence Platform, offering a powerful suite of tools for Flare users.
The foundation behind layer 2 blockchain Optimism has sold 116 million OP tokens ($157 million) to seven separate purchasers, according to an announcement on the Optimism governance website.
The native token of Synapse, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol designed to transfer data to cross-chain bridges, has bounced by more than 17% from a low of $0.30 after a liquidity provider sold its SYN tokens on Monday.
The cryptocurrency gambling and sports betting website stake has been targeted by a private key exploit, with on-chain analyst Cyvers reporting that $16 million has been withdrawn on the Ethereum network.