CBDC / Заголовки новостей
Blockchain Firm Pitches CBDC Operating System to Bank of England
As the monetary impacts of the coronavirus drive discussions surrounding central bank digital currencies, a U.K. blockchain firm has proposed a CDBD system to the Bank of England. дальше »
2020-6-13 22:45
На вопросы о майнинге биткоинов в провинции Сычуань ответят тысячи китайских абитуриентов
По сообщениям местных китайских интернет-изданий, в один из экзаменационных тестов для поступления в китайские национальные колледжи были включены вопросы о майнинге биткоина. В июле этого года такой тест должны будут пройти около 10 000 абитуриентов. дальше »
2020-6-12 08:46
Fed Reserve of Philadelphia Research: Account-Based CBDCs May Replace Commercial Banks
A research paper published on June 1, 2020, by the Federal Reserve of Philadelphia shows account-based central bank digital currency (CBDC) could potentially replace the role of commercial banks if panic runs are managed and commercial banks are given a level playing field in the money market. дальше »
2020-6-6 19:06
China’s Digital Yuan Set to ‘Displace’ Bitcoin and U.S Dollar; Report
China's Digital Yuan could challenge the U. S dollar and Bitcoin, according to a recent report by Bloomberg. The PBoC backed digital asset was piloted in April by the Agricultural Bank of China within four cities in the country. дальше »
2020-6-4 00:04
Digital Dollar Foundation Releases Its First Whitepaper Urging The US Govt To Explore CBDC’s
The Digital Dollar Project alongside Accenture, an Irish-domiciled multinational professional services company, released its first whitepaper on Thursday, May 28, 2020. According to Giancarlo, the former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) called on the U. дальше »
2020-5-29 21:08
CBDCs May Be A Tailwind for Bitcoin and Further ‘Accentuate’ its Role in the Global Digital Economy
People’s Bank of China is gearing up for the launch of their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in 2020 and nearly all central banks of advanced economies, from the Fed, ECB to BoE, and BoJ, are actively analyzing the prospect and impact of such currencies. дальше »
2020-5-29 20:03
Private Firms Can Boost Central Bank Digital Currencies, IMF Official Says
Synthetic CBDCs could let the private sector manage digital currencies backed by central banks, says the IMF's Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli. дальше »
2020-5-27 00:30
China’s Digital Yuan Sets the Country on Track for Tokenomics Dominance
As the world emerges from lockdown, China is already several steps ahead in the roll-out of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The Asian giant spearheaded its digital Yuan back in April and is now integrating the PBoC backed asset into China's existing payment networks. дальше »
2020-5-26 18:27
Central Bank Digital Currencies are a Risk to Dollar Dominance: JPMorgan Report
According to JP Morgan Chase & Co., if the idea of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) gains traction, the US can risk losing its geopolitical power. “There is no country with more to lose from the disruptive potential of digital currency than the United States,” wrote analysts including Josh Younger, head of U.S. interest-rate derivatives […] дальше »
2020-5-24 21:24
Банк Франции объявил об успешном тестировании цифрового евро
Важнейший этап по созданию цифровой валюты Центрального банка (CBDC) был завершён во Франции. Когда-то использование цифровой валюты на глобальном или национальном уровне воспринималось как несбыточная мечта, однако сейчас государства и центральные банки стали уделять большое внимания работе над цифровой версией собственной валюты. дальше »
2020-5-22 10:34
Bank of England: No Compromise on Our Principles for Any Future CBDC
The Bank of England will not budge on its design principles for any future CBDC. дальше »
2020-5-13 20:08
European Central Bank (ECB) Research Is Now Focusing on a Retail Version of CBDC
The Consensus 2020 crypto event has officially started, and for the first time, as a completely virtual conference due to COVID-19 at which the European Central Bank (ECB) was the main attraction, with Yves Mersch as its legal official and first speaker. дальше »
2020-5-12 22:11
Digital Yuan’s (DCEP) Ability to Dominate Cash Depends on 4 Keys: Former Bank of China Pres.
China is on the brink of launching its digital yuan for commercial use as the government has already started the pilot run a couple of weeks ago. During the pilot run of the digital yuan or the DC/EP system, the government employees of 4 major cities were given digital yuan in the form of travel […] дальше »
2020-5-7 19:28
Ни один ЦБ не разработал механизм практического применения своего токена
В исследовании блокчейн-компании R3 говорится, что на данный момент ни один центральный банк не смог разработать механизм практического применения своей цифровой валюты (CBDC). Аналитики утверждают, что регулируемые токены – это пока не более чем теоретические проекты. дальше »
2020-5-3 16:43
AI Startup SenseTime Partners With Chinese Central Bank In Development Of Digital Yuan
The well known artificial intelligence (AI) firm SenseTime, valued at $7. 5 billion, has officially partnered with China's digital currency research institute, an offshoot of the Chinese Central Bank, to help in accelerating the creation of digital yuan. дальше »
2020-4-30 23:45
Will COVID-19 Accelerate the Demise of Cash? It Puts CBDC’s into Sharper Focus: BIS Head
The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has brought the whole world to a standstill and it has added to the misery of the financial institutions as well as governments to manage their deficits in these troubled times. дальше »
2020-4-25 17:23
Economist Survey Suggests Users Trust CBDC’s (54%) Twice As Much As Private Crypto’s (26%)
A recent survey conducted on crypto assets and investment by Crypto. com and The Economist saw participation from over 3,000 users. The survey shed some interesting light on how the general public perceives cryptocurrencies. дальше »
2020-4-22 21:28
Опрос: Люди больше доверяют регулируемым токенам, чем анонимным криптовалютам
Большинство участников опроса, проведенного The Economist и Crypto. com, заявили, что предпочли бы пользоваться регулируемыми цифровыми валютами (CBDC), а не анонимными монетами. Исследователи пришли к выводу, что основная масса людей все еще не готова к масштабному переходу на децентрализованные активы. дальше »
2020-4-20 10:08
US Congress Members Reintroduce ‘Digital Dollar’ in Automatic Boost to Communities Act
The U.S government has begun distributing the COVID-19 stimulus checks in a bid to boost the economy. In a new development in the Lower House, Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is looking to introduce a digital wallet in the new bill titled, ‘Automatic Boost to Communities Act (ABC)” to which the $2000 extended monthly payment will […] дальше »
2020-4-19 23:40
China Will Dry Run Its DCEP in May By Paying State Employees With The Digital Yuan
China’s national digital currency or ‘CBDC' or as they call it, “DC/EP” has been in development for 5 years now. And there has been plenty of speculation since the last quarter of 2019, that it will be released anytime soon. дальше »
2020-4-19 22:56
Agricultural Bank of China Rolls Out Test App for the Prospective Digital Currency, DC/EP
China’s Digital currency might be integrated with the country’s financial ecosystem sooner than expected despite the COVID-19 pandemic. This is after one of its state-owned banks – Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) – released an application that accommodates the prospective central bank currency, DC/EP. дальше »
2020-4-15 17:18
South Korean Central Bank to Roll Out Pilot Program to Test CBDC Through Dec 2021
On April 6, South Korea’s central bank has made the announcement that it started a pilot program for assessing the logistics of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). While the bank doesn’t plan to introduce a CBDC very soon, it still had created the pilot scheme to make sure that it’s prepared to do just […] дальше »
2020-4-7 19:01
China’s PBoC Places Central Bank Digital Currency Development As Top Priority
Reports have surfaced that China’s Central Bank has made strides towards realizing their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). In a virtual meeting by the People’s Bank (PBOC) top brass, whose focal point seems to be the discussion around the ongoing developments of China’s digital Yuan. дальше »
2020-4-6 17:22
Govt’s May Accelerate Digital Payment And CBDC Research Due to COVID-19: Bank of International Statements (BIS)
Bank of International Statements (BIS) recently released a research report on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic to the overall payment system. According to the research, the virus is causing fear and uncertainty as physical cash sees a dip in usage in favor of digital payments. дальше »
2020-4-5 16:28
France’s Central Bank Requests Proposals For CBDC ‘Experiments’ To Show Use Cases
The Banque de France made public on March 27 a request for digital currency experiment applications, in an attempt to understand the mechanisms and risks CBDCs pose in the eurozone. France comes upfront when it comes to the digital currencies debate, being the eurozone member with the highest profile as far as launching a CBDC […] дальше »
2020-3-30 23:08
French Central Bank Puts Out Call for Digital Currency Experiments
France's central bank is calling for digital currency proposals with an experiment that moves it to the front of Europe's CBDC debate. дальше »
2020-3-31 20:10
Former Trump Advisor Joins America’s Digital Dollar Move
The Digital Dollar Project today announced the addition of 22 advisors to help steer America’s latest crypto-based dollar initiative. Advisors include President Donald Trump’s former national security aide, Tim Morrison, among others. дальше »
2020-3-27 20:37
Hyperledger Fast Tracks Dev of Ethereum Based eThaler As US Central Bank Digital Dollar
eThaler Set To Create Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) At a planned meeting at Hyperledger, a blockchain consortium, it was decided to accelerate its efforts in the development of eThaler, an Ethereum based project aiming to create a CBDC. дальше »
2020-3-26 19:39
China Moves Closer to Issuing its Digital Currency in the Face of Coronavirus: Report
The People's Bank of China is getting nearer to releasing its digital currency, reports The Global Times. According to the latest report, China’s central bank in collaboration with private companies has completed the development of the basic function of the autonomous digital currency and is now drafting laws for its circulation. Many companies in the […] дальше »
2020-3-24 18:23
Alipay Patents Reveal More Details About China's Forthcoming CBDC
A series of patents published by Alipay give more details of how China’s CBDC will work
дальше »2020-3-25 15:42
IMF Weighs the Pros and Cons of a Central Bank Digital Currency
Tao Zhang, an IMF leader, details the pros and cons of a central bank digital currency, as well as a hybrid solution
дальше »2020-3-23 05:00
BoE Governor: A CBDC Would Need to Be ‘Very Carefully Designed’ to Overcome Challenges
The outgoing Bank of England (UK Central Bank) governor Mark Carney has reiterated his sentiments regarding a Central Bank Digital Currency. This was after the UK Central bank released a dossier touching on the CBDC that is supposed to store value and facilitate payments for both domestic and commercial transactions. The Outgoing Canadian is on […] дальше »
2020-3-13 22:19
CBDC’s Provide Greater Monetary Control But Face Risk of Becoming too Dominant: BoE Deputy Gov
The Bank of England's Deputy Governor of Financial Stability discussed Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), stablecoins and cryptocurrencies. Delivering the speech was Sir Jon Cunliffe at the London School of Economics. дальше »
2020-3-4 19:30
BIS: центробанки не рассматривают применение CBDC для трансграничных платежей
Разрабатываемые центральными банками цифровые валюты не сосредоточены на трансграничных платежах, отметил Банк международных расчетов (BIS) в отчете. По данным BIS, на сегодня в мире есть как минимум 17 правительств, изучающих использование цифровых валют центральных банков (CBDC). дальше »
2020-3-4 19:44
Chinese Communist Party Exec Wants State Monopoly on Digital Currency
China Former Vice President of CIRC of the Party openly talks the strategic plan of CBDC and its ICO and crypto bans
дальше »2020-2-28 00:13
Bank of Canada Dismisses CBDC Interest; BoC is Developing A Prototype to Hedge Against Libra
Despite the reserved nature of Canadians, the country’s monetary authority has been keeping an openminded approach to researching the need for digital payments. The regulator has since identified two factors that might accelerate the launch of a Canadian CBDC. дальше »
2020-2-26 18:16
China’s CBDC Research Delayed Due To Coronavirus Outbreak; Will It Launch In 2020?
According to local media, Global Times, a reliable government resource has confirmed that the planned launch of its digital currency electronic payment (DCEP) will not launch in the first quarter of 2020 due to the spread of CoronaVirus. дальше »
2020-2-26 17:24
Bank of Canada Won’t Issue Its Own Crypto Unless Libra Succeeds: Deputy Governor
The Bank of Canada does not see the need to create a central bank digital currency unless a competitor – like Libra – starts dethroning the existing fiat. дальше »
2020-2-26 23:50
Is A Fed-Controlled Digital Dollar A ‘Win’ For the Public; Will it Pave Way For Faster Payments?
Central banks around the world are assessing the benefits of issuing a state-controlled digital currency after China announced that it is close to launching its digital yuan and Facebook launching Libra. дальше »
2020-2-26 22:35
BoE’s Chief: It Is ‘Absolutely Important’ To Consider Central Bank Digital Currencies
Sarah John, the chief cashier at the Bank of England, has stated that it is imperative that central banks in the world consider researching and supporting digital currencies before it is too late for them, Telegraph UK reports. дальше »
2020-2-25 20:33
Japan’s Finance Ministry, Financial Services Agency, and BoJ To Research A CBDC Launch
Japan is the latest country to show interest in developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) as the central bank, finance ministry and financial authorities meet to discuss digital currencies. As one of the top countries in crypto and blockchain development and regulation, accelerated efforts are being placed to develop an official digital coin to […] дальше »
2020-2-25 19:04
Sweden’s Riksbank Launches Its Central Bank Digital Currency (e-Krona) Testing
Sweden is getting closer and closer to issuing its own central bank digital currency (CBDC), as it already started testing the e-krona. The pilot program for the new digital currency is supposed to last for a year and thus, to end in February 2021. дальше »
2020-2-21 23:03
Digital Dollar Discussion Is ‘Extremely Important’ Urges Pres. Trump’s Fed Nominee
Digitizing the dollar is a key factor in maintaining its appeal as a global currency, Trump’s nominee to the Federal Reserve, Judy Shelton, says. In a congressional hearing on Thursday, Fed nominee, Judy Shelton, said the Federal Reserve should be “compelled to think” about a central bank digital currency (CBDC) given the mileage the innovation […] дальше »
2020-2-14 18:21
Singapore AML Framework Can Attract Crypto Businesses, Not Chase It Away
Singapore continues its push for "an Electronic Payments Society" with the new regulatory framework — unlike 5AMDL, it is unlikely to hinder crypto businesses
дальше »2020-2-6 06:00
Cryptocurrency News From Japan: Jan. 26–Feb. 1 in Review
This week’s news from Japan includes Coincheck topping app download rankings, Japan’s central bank forecasting CBDC demand and more
дальше »2020-2-2 03:56
MIT Research Group Calls Crypto a Testing Ground for a Central Bank Digital Asset
The crypto space is a test tube of experimentation which may pave the way for a digital fiat asset, MIT’s crypto research group said
дальше »2020-1-24 23:35
The Unstoppable Trajectory: Stablecoins Are Evolving Traditional Finances
Neither fiat nor crypto, but a mixture of both: What are the stablecoins really for?
дальше »2020-1-23 05:00
Guide to WEF Davos 2020: Sustainability, Stablecoins and CBDCs
What will the WEF Davos 2020 mean for crypto? Check this guide to find out
дальше »2020-1-20 15:25
China Prepares for CBDC With Cryptography Law on Encryption Standards
China is continuing its blockchain-positive, anti-anonymity course with the new Cryptography Law — it requires private firms to reveal their encryption services and more
дальше »2020-1-11 06:00
МВФ рассказал о рисках и преимуществах цифровых валют Центробанков
Специалисты Международного валютного фонда (МВФ) рассказали о потенциале использования цифровых валют Центробанков (CBDC) и рисках применения нового финансового инструмента. Исследование было представлено в блоге организации. дальше »