new hashrate → Результатов: 54

Litecoin Achieves New Heights As Lightning Strikes Twice

Litecoin, the sixth-largest cryptocurrency asset by market capitalization, has recently set a new high in mining hashrate – and a new record number of Lightning nodes. The eight-year-old cryptocurrency continues to defy predictions of its demise, with new adaptations like Mimblewimble and the Lightning Network demonstrating its viability against other altcoins.

2019-4-16 22:12


Хешрейт сети Litecoin вышел на новый исторический максимум

Хешрейт сети Litecoin обновил в этом месяце предыдущий рекордный показатель, зафиксированный в конце мая 2018 года. Как говорится в блоге Litecoin Foundation, произошло это 4 апреля, когда совокупная мощность сети составила 359.

2019-4-13 23:01


Bloq Labs Reveals Software Suite That Aims to Increase Hash Power by Double Digits

The blockchain organization Bloq Labs has introduced a beta version of a new software suite for cryptocurrency miners called Titan. Bloq co-founder Jeff Garzik announced the project at the recent Binance conference in Singapore and claims the protocol can maximize a mining machine’s hashrate by double digits with thoughtful configuration and dynamic adjustment.

2019-1-27 20:20

New China Crypto Mining Rumor: BitFish’s F2Pool Disconnects BTC ASICs Causing Bitcoin Hashrate to Drop

While some of the ongoing rumours can neither be confirmed or denied, it is being reported all over the internet that the recent drop in Bitcoin’s native hashrate has forced a large number of crypto mining rigs within China to be turned off— primarily because this business avenue no longer seems to be profitable. According […]

2018-11-23 03:35