
Bitcoin Jumps on Yuan Dive, Stocks Slump.

Bitcoin has risen by about $1,000 in the past 24 hours from circa $10,800 to a current $11,800 with it crossing $12,000 on some exchanges. That’s on increased unfiltered trading... The post Bitcoin Jumps on Yuan Dive, Stocks Slump appeared first on Trustnodes. origin »

V SYSTEMS: Sunny King’s Proof of Stake VSYS Blockchain Finance Project.

What Is V SYSTEMS? V Sytems (VSYS) is a blockchain-based database cloud project that aims to develop a secure underlying infrastructure platform for blockchain database. The project aims to deliver decentralized cloud database technology to conduct complex decentralized applications and support the operation of trillions of blockchain effectively with high scalability, durability, and performance. V […] origin »


Litecoin Jumps as it Halves.

Litecoin has risen by about 10% today from circa $94 to a brief $107 before standing at $102 at the time of writing. That’s on increased unfiltered volumes of circa... The post Litecoin Jumps as it Halves appeared first on Trustnodes. origin »

KHIPU: Promising Blockchain Project?.

What Is KHIPU? An enterprise blockchain platform that operates on Ethereum network, Khipu aims to explore and implement a whole set of design patterns and infrastructure to re-factor enterprise applications onto the blockchain and to establish, improve, and develop corresponding ecosystems with communities. origin »


8chan booted out by Cloudflare after El Paso shooting.

Popular website infrastructure and security services provider Cloudflare announced it’s terminating service for 8chan in the wake of deadly terrorist attack in El Paso, Texas over the weekend. The 21-year-old suspect in the Walmart mass shooting, which resulted in the deaths of 20 people, is said to have posted a white nationalist rant on the message board favored by many on the far-right before the attack. origin »


Trump Shouts at Fed.

“Are you listening Federal Reserve?” – was Trump’s response to the falling Yuan with the president of the United States not quite clarifying what exactly he wants Fed to do. origin »

Crypto market forecast: 5th August.

A bullish week for the crypto markets ended with Bitcoin up nearly 20% , enjoying a wave of macro driven buying pressure. With global macro markets affected by trade tensions and policy uncertainty, BTC's value as a hedge against macro-uncertainty was apparent in the last week. origin »

IBM To Bring 4,000 Suppliers On New Blockchain Platform.

Today, IBM and Chainyard announced Trust Your Supplier (TYS), a blockchain-based platform for simplifying supply chain management and supplier verification and onboarding. Within the coming months, IBM plans to bring 4,000 of its North American suppliers onto the new network, potentially gaining an edge in the world of supply chain management. origin »

Hawk Network ICO.

Hawk Network refers to the technical infrastructure of the world's leading distributed intelligent Internet of Things, which integrates edge computing, big data and blockchain technology. It aims to provide enterprises with lower access costs and a more efficient and trusted Internet of Things. origin »


Iranian Government Implements Cryptocurrency Rules.

Iranian authorities have implemented new regulations to govern all cryptocurrency-related activities in the state. The new law stipulates that all crypto-related transactions in the region remain illegal and cryptocurrency miners are required to obtain the relevant licenses while also operating in compliance with other guidelines, reports PressTV on August 5, 2019. origin »

Protests in Moscow and flipping out on Navalny and on bitcoin (BTC).

In connection with the mass protests in Moscow due to the opposition not allowed to take part in municipal parliament of Moscow election (Moscow City Duma), the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on money laundering by the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) of Alexei Navalny, the most famous of opposition politicians. According to the […] origin »

Tips On Buying Cryptocurrency Online.

Coinspeaker Tips On Buying Cryptocurrency OnlineTo help guide you through the process of buying crypto, here are some of the best tips you can bring along as you purchase cryptocurrencies online.Tips On Buying Cryptocurrency Online origin »

Charlie Lee on Litecoin halving: Everything will be back to normal; Privacy and fungibility will be next battleground.

Although the crypto ecosystem maintains close relations with uncertainty, coin halving presents a whole new ball game for the users as it demands the beginning of a new normal. Litecoin serves as a live example of this process as its upcoming halving has shaken the market confidence, forcing LTC to lose its 4th rank in […] The post Charlie Lee on Litecoin halving: Everything will be back to normal; Privacy and fungibility will be next battleground appeared first on AMBCrypto. origin »


Youtube Censorship Drives Uptake of Crypto-Powered Video Platforms.

If the prospect of greater privacy and financial sovereignty doesn’t lure the masses to crypto networks, perhaps the ability to speak freely will. Lately, a lot of people who couldn’t give a damn about peer-to-peer cryptocurrency have taken a shine to peer-to-peer networks that run on the same censorship-resistant principles. origin »


Bitcoin SV Blockchain Temporarily Split Into Three.

Bitcoin SV experienced a serious network split on Saturday after a massive 210 MB block was mined on the network, temporarily splitting the network into three different chains. Big Block Blues On July 24th, the BSV network underwent a scheduled network upgrade with the intent to raise the blocksize from 128 MB to 2 GB. origin »

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