
Decentraland Launches $55K Creator Contest.

Attention HODLers: if you can’t cut it as a trader, you might try a career as a virtual real estate developer.   Beginning March 15th, Decentraland will host a two-week long Creator Contest, where users will be rewarded in cryptocurrency for developing virtual LAND. origin »


Here are the 5 hottest startups in Denmark.

What more could you want from a country where fairy tales, Lego, and the idea of the chill ‘hygge’ vibe originate? Now Denmark is also one of the most exciting startup scenes in Europe and is home to more than 400 tech companies that do everything from analytics and big data to gaming, cloud, fintech, and apps. origin »

Let’s not accidentally build depressed robots.

In trying to keep up with the never-ending deluge of news about the forthcoming AI takeover of human society, a talk at a recent conference made me pause.  For a moment, instead of having to consider whether the intelligent robots would liberate us or kill us (it’s only ever one of those two options, I find), I took a moment to worry about the machines themselves. origin »


Asymmetric Risk.

History has been made today as the US National Debt has crossed the landmark level of $22 trillion. That looks like this: $22,000,000,000,000. This may seem like a distant number and it’s certainly easy for us to get detached but let me remind you that just about every pension and investment fund in the world holds a large amount of US treasuries. origin »

How I became pen pals with the kid who stole my iPhone.

I’d always wanted to go to India. So I was pretty outraged when, in 2011, my iPhone went without me. I think it’s only fair to place around 5 percent of the blame on my friend Blair. A group of us were in a London wine bar pretending to be grown-ups, searching for more sophisticated ways to say “second-least-expensive bottle” while tossing around wine terms we’d heard in a semi-ironic attempt to impress our waiter. origin »


Monero Set for Hard Fork to Brick ASIC Miners.

Monero developers are set to fork the network in their continued efforts to brick application specific integrated circuit (miners) on the blockchain. The move should significantly lower hash rate allowing small-scale mining operations running graphics processing units (GPUs) to compete favorably and make the network’s PoW algorithm less ASIC-friendly. origin »

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