XRP Daily Price Forecast – October 26.

XRP/USD Medium-term Trend: Bearish Resistance Levels: $ 0. 61, $0. 63, $ 0. 65 Support Levels: $0. 40, $0. 38, $0. 36 Yesterday, October 25, the XRP price was in a bearish trend. The crypto’s price is fluctuating above the $0. origin »

Top 20 Cryptocurrency Investing & Trading Tips.

It is easy to say that people have the cryptocurrency market figured out. It is easier for them to give out advice and recommend certain trades and sales. But the truth of the matter, specifically in the cryptocurrency market, is that nobody knows what the hell is going on. origin »


Zcoin Gives ASICs the Boot with Merkle Tree Proofs.

In a direct challenge to the type of industrial-grade efforts that have transformed once-lone cryptocurrency miners into multi-billion-dollar oligarchies, Zcoin has held itself up as the first cryptocurrency to “democratize” mining using Merkle Tree Proofs, a PoW algorithm for ASIC-resistance. origin »

Vulcano (VULC Token): Smart Cryptocurrency Blockchain Project?.

What Is Vulcano? VULCANO (VULC) is a cryptocurrency based on proof-of-stake and masternode that focuses on the research and development of geothermal. VULCANO aims at using blockchain technology as well as distributed consensus to contribute in the raising of funds for use in the advancement of technologies that are earth science-based like geothermal power. The platform […] origin »

Bisq DEX Trading Platform Is Close To Being Completely Decentralized.

Decentralization of crypto projects has been the theme of 2018, however, most of these self-proclaimed decentralized projects are not so. Although Bisq might be the closest to fit that description. Formally known as Bitsquare, the Bisq DEX operates straight on the user's computer, rather than a hosted site, like most of the self-described DEXs. While […] origin »

Coinbase Bitcoin Cash Lawsuit Dropped by U.S. Court.

Cryptocurrency, Coinbase–On the heels of a rumor by CNBC Crypto Trader Ran Neuner that Coinbase will soon announce its initial public offering, the U. S. based cryptocurrency exchange received some positive news in relation to last year’s accusation over insider trading. origin »


Blockchain Launches Hardware Wallet.

The popular cryptocurrency software provider Blockchain has announced the launch of a custom hardware wallet that is exclusively tethered to the company’s flagship wallet. According to the development team behind the new hardware wallet called Lockbox, the firm collaborated with the wallet manufacturer Ledger in order to create the design. origin »


House of Nakamoto Opens in Amsterdam.

The House of Nakamoto, an Austrian project helping newbies enter the cryptocurrency world, has recently opened a new store in Amsterdam. Residents and guests of one of the most bitcoin-friendly cities in Europe can now learn about electronic money, get a starter kit with a hardware wallet and load it with digital coins. origin »

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