Why I believe the future of work is on the blockchain

Mobile and internet technologies have made it easy for people across the world to successfully work on and get paid for projects, regardless of their time zone, currency, and location. For many, freelance work is an appealing alternative to the restrictive, office-bound, 9-to-5 model, and the macro trend toward flexible and geographically autonomous work is only accelerating. дальше »

2019-3-24 10:30

When to quit? An entrepreneur’s guide to pulling the plug

If you believe the pop-psych literature, perseverance is the most predictive characteristic of successful people. But isn’t knowing when to quit equally important for a satisfied and fulfilled life as an entrepreneur? The basic narrative is that anything worth doing will have major setbacks, and in the face of adversity what you must do is get up, dust yourself off, and try again. дальше »

2019-3-24 22:30

Why banning phones from schools is a backward step for education

Schools and governments around the world are struggling to figure out how to deal with smartphones in the classroom. Last year, France passed a law that banned students from using smart devices at school, and now in the UK politicians are discussing joining in, with UK schools minister Nick Gibb recently saying there should be a new policy introduced to ban phones from schools. дальше »

2019-3-23 10:30

You’re teaching Alexa to be an asshole

“Shut up, Siri!” “Screw off, Alexa!” We’ve all heard people berating their voice assistants, often in colorful terms. You’ve probably done it yourself, and so what? It’s not like our voice assistant has feelings — “she” is just a collection of code and a disembodied, robotic voice. дальше »

2019-3-17 10:30

How the ACT and SAT exams are built to fail students

A growing number of universities in the US are abandoning the use of standardized tests as a key factor in the admissions process. Last month, Creighton University announced that it won’t require hopeful applicants to submit ACT or SAT test results beginning in 2020, joining the likes of Arizona State University, DePaul University, Drake University, University of Arizona, and University of Chicago, among others. дальше »

2019-3-17 22:30