River, an on-chain encrypted messaging protocol, has acquired Llama, a Founders Fund-backed smart contracts platform for decentralized governance. The acquisition will help River buttress its governance across its ecosystem, with the protocol integrating Llama’s open-source smart contracts technology directly into…
Complexities in how blockchains have been designed detract from the powerful benefits they offer with decentralization, censorship resistance, and financial inclusion.
When we think of centralized AI gone wrong, imaginative readers may begin to conjure images of a society ruled by artificial general intelligence-powered robot overlords. Just as the Bitcoin movement was born out of a desire to create a permissionless financial system, decentralized AI aims to democratize access to AI technologies by removing gatekeeper chokepoints.
Blockchain technology undeniably shapes the future of decentralization, especially through application-specific blockchain platforms that promote decentralized networks.
Known for her fiery dissenting opinions, "Crypto Mom" discusses how the SEC operates, why she wants to see crypto thrive and her "Safe Harbor" proposal to allow projects to decentralize.