censorship resistance → Результатов: 62


Op Ed: With Bitcoin, Anarchy Is the Point, Not the Problem

Last week, there was a panel at SXSW that was effectively a debate on the merits of permissioned blockchains versus permissionless systems like Bitcoin. I listened to the entire audio of the panel discussion, after Programming Bitcoin author Jimmy Song tweeted it out the other day, and I thought he did an awesome job of pointing out the key value proposition of Bitcoin and why it is not worth comparing to permissioned systems.

2019-3-23 17:29

Lightning Torch Arrives in Iran Proving Bitcoin is Empowering Censorship Resistance Value Transfer

Bitcoin is empowering the world to get connected by eliminating the borders and censorship as #LNTrustChain Torch reaches Iran while lightning network keeps on growing. LN Trust Chain Makes It To Iran Despite Censorship The Lightning Torch has been passed all over the world involving some big names and organization such as Fidelity Digital Assets. […]

2019-3-4 20:17