
Digital assets—why offshore?.

The rapid growth of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets in recent years, combined with seemingly unlimited potential applications for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies across a range of industries, has led to an unprecedented period of innovation and the emergence of some of the most disruptive technologies in decades. origin »

QuadrigaCX CEO Feared for Life, Possibly Planned $200 Million Dead Man’s Crypto Switch.

By CCN. com: The late CEO of QuadrigaCX crypto exchange Gerald Cotten feared for his life due to the vast amounts of funds he exclusively controlled, a former colleague and friend has said. Per cryptocurrency entrepreneur Adam O’Brien, Cotten worried that he could be kidnapped over the crypto assets worth millions of dollars that he exclusively had access to, according to Global News: Gerry was holding, we know, over $100 million, almost $200 million dollars in funds. origin »

French minister supported the idea of Coinstelegram Group.

As soon as it was known about the fire in Notre Dame, the Coinstelegram Group took the initiative to raise funds in favor of restoring this cultural monument of world significance. We offered to raise funds in cryptocurrencies, since it is convenient for all caring people in the world. There were concerns that the French […] origin »

No Collusion: Trump Economy, Winning Get Under Dems’ Skin.

By CCN: President Trump has proven capable of moving past any barrier. Following months of the leftist media pumping lies into the heads of Americans’ that their 45th president colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, special prosecutor Robert Mueller – commissioned by Democrats – has concluded that Trump is innocent of such claims. origin »


Redacted Mueller Report Mentions Bitcoin.

The newly released Mueller report claims Russia's primary military intelligence service and its facilitators leased servers located within the US, as well as used bitcoin to hide Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. origin »


PayPal Wins Patent for Ransomware Detection Solution.

Global payment processing platform PayPal has been awarded a patent for a technique that can help with the timely detection and reduction of ransomware attacks. Ransomware attacks are a form of malware that takes over the victim's computer, locks up the files therein and demands a ransom before the files can be accessed again — often to be paid in cryptocurrency. origin »


BSV Blocks Get Orphaned.

A number of BSV blocks have just been orphaned with the network going back in history (reorganizing) by six blocks or more. “Almost each time someone is trying to produce... origin »


Judaism And Crypto Intersect.

Rabbi Michael Caras, also known as the Bitcoin Rabbi, talks about the similarities between Judaism and crypto culture, writing a bitcoin children's book, and the special Passover message he has for his Twitter "congregation." origin »

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