
SOMESING – Listen, Sing and Get Rewarded.

Karaoke, which was once popular only in Japan, owing to digitalization, has now become one of the most fun-filled activities for music lovers across the globe. Karaoke is basically an entertainment form in which users can create covers of popular songs over a pre-recorded backing track. origin »


Bitcoin Birthday Was Less Bubble, More Burst.

Bitcoin has just commemorated the 10th anniversary of its genesis block, but the party was fairly quiet. While some traders hoped for (or feared)  a sudden change, markets remained mild, and efforts to organize a run on the exchanges went largely unnoticed. origin »


How to take better portrait mode photos on any phone.

Ah, portrait mode. Ever since Huawei pioneered the depth-sensing tech and Apple ran with it, it seems every other Instagram photo has that faux-DSLR look. Unfortunately, our smartphones aren’t exactly perfect at imitating the shallow depth of field of a real large-sensor camera, so it’s important to help the tiny sensors out when we can. origin »

One Year In, a Big Thank You from Newton!.

December 25 is Grav-mass, the birthday of Sir Isaac Newton. On December 25, 2017, Newton Project, the infrastructure for the community economy, was born. Today is its first birthday. Today marks a year of Newton operations. origin »


Markets Update: BCH and BTC Consolidate, ETH Regains Second Spot.

BCH and BTC markets have begun the year with consolidation, with BCH bouncing between $150 and $175 and BTC trading within a $3,500 to $4,000 range on Bitstamp, and $3,700 to $4,300 on Bitfinex. In other market news, a bullish start to the year has seen ETH reclaim its position as the second largest cryptocurrency […] The post Markets Update: BCH and BTC Consolidate, ETH Regains Second Spot appeared first on Bitcoin News. origin »

The Next XRP Price Bullrun Could Materialize Fairly Soon.

After the rather catastrophic year of 2018 for all cryptocurrencies and digital assets, expectations for 2019 are perhaps even higher than anticipated. In the case of the XRP price, the current short-term predictions all seem to agree positive momentum will materialize fairly soon. origin »

Thailand Develops Blockchain Tech for E-Voting.

Thailand’s National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), a government organization responsible for information and communication development activities, has developed a blockchain technology for e-voting, according to a report by the Bangkok Post. origin »

4 Unique Things in Bitcoin for Students.

CoinSpeaker 4 Unique Things in Bitcoin for Students Becky Holton, education expert, professional journalist and blogger, shares her vision of four most important and valuable benefits Bitcoin has to offer to students. 4 Unique Things in Bitcoin for Students origin »

My Four Top Crypto Personalities of the Year 2018.

The year 2018 is a cycle that could not be forgotten in a hurry as far as the history of cryptocurrency is concerned. However, some personalities within the crypto space could not be ignored their actions and statements which caused a reaction in the crypto market. origin »

Analysts: Crypto Markets to Surge While Stock Markets Sink.

Market predictions are not a clear science; they are largely guesswork backed with technical indicators that take a snapshot of current conditions to attempt a prediction of future ones. What is clear at the moment is that crypto markets appear to be on the bottom while stock markets are heading south. origin »


Rootstock Celebrates A Year Of Milestones.

January 3rd marks the birthday of a young digital currency. No, not that one. While most eyes are on the Bitcoin decennial, another cryptocurrency is also blowing out a candle. Rootstock, a smart contract side chain to the Bitcoin blockchain, celebrates its first anniversary today, marking one full year in the project to integrate Ethereum-like […] The post Rootstock Celebrates A Year Of Milestones appeared first on Crypto Briefing. origin »

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