Monero Network Updates.

Recently, Monero development team has made adjustments to the blockchain through a network upgrade. The date of the event has been known since the end of April, and it was successfully held on block 2 688 888. origin »


Floki integrates Chainlink Keepers and Price Feeds.

Floki (FLOKI/USD), a community-powered cryptocurrency ecosystem, has announced integration with Chainlink Keepers and Chainlink Price Feeds on the BNB Chain and Ethereum networks. The platform has integrated the solutions to help power its token locking protocol FlokFi Locker. origin »

Ethereum Price Struggles to Hold at $1,900, Trading Volume Rises.

After an excellent performance last week, this Monday, Ethereum’s price struggles to hold above the $1,900 level as trading volume rises. We’re likely to see ETHUSD attempt to maintain current support levels in a price continuation pattern through the next several days before the cryptocurrency market decides on its next move. origin »

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