Trump Predicts Unprecedented Stock Market Crash If He Loses in 2020.

By CCN Markets: Rallying supporters to “Keep America Great,” Donald Trump raised the stakes of the 2020 election in a tweet. The president said if he’s not reelected, “there will be a market crash the likes of which has not been seen before!” If true, based on percentages, that means the stock market would lose 25% of its value after election day. origin »

Court Orders ‘Bitcoin Inventor’ Craig Wright to Put Up or Shut Up.

By CCN Markets: A Florida judge ordered Craig Wright — the self-proclaimed inventor of bitcoin — to put up or shut up if he wants to prove that he’s Satoshi Nakamoto. In a June 14 motion to compel, federal magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart ordered Wright to produce a list of all the bitcoin he mined prior to December 31, 2013. origin »

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