The economist / Заголовки новостей
Is Bitcoin Fundamentally Incapable of Mass Adoption? The Economist Thinks So
An article out today in the Economist lists several reasons why Bitcoin may never have a “long-lasting” recovery. The unnamed author writes, in part: “The bust has been correspondingly brutal. дальше »
2019-3-29 02:30
Economist’s Ben Shapiro Smear Spotlights Trope of Conflating Conservatives with Alt-Right
By CCN. com: The Economist, a liberal British magazine, was forced to issue a groveling apology hours after smearing Jewish conservative author Ben Shapiro as “alt-right. ” The brouhaha erupted on Twitter after the Economist tweeted an interview with Shapiro, where he discussed his bestselling new book, “The Right Side of History. дальше »
2019-3-29 00:00
Bitcoin Burns More Energy Than Ireland Because of Millenials
Mining A mainstream media assertion made recently implies that cryptocurrency is quite costly in terms of energy consumption. Also read: Japanese Internet Giant GMO Boosts Own Bitcoin Mining Output With 7nm Rigs Bitcoin Said to Use ‘Almost’ as Much Electricity as Ireland Mainstream media is often preoccupied with exploring and revealing the negative effects of дальше »