2023-6-3 19:05 |
Sotheby’s will sell Dmitri Cherniak's “The Goose” NFT at a live auction this month, while Mercedes Benz released a collection inspired by its luxury vehicles. origin »
2023-6-3 19:05 |
Sotheby’s will sell Dmitri Cherniak's “The Goose” NFT at a live auction this month, while Mercedes Benz released a collection inspired by its luxury vehicles. origin »
Heмeцкaя тpaнcнaциoнaльнaя aвтoмoбильнaя кopпopaция Daimler AG, пpoизвoдящaя гpузoвoй aвтoтpaнcпopт и aвтoмoбили пpeмиум-клacca, тaкиe кaк Mercedes Benz, пpeдcтaвилa pяд пpoeктoв нa ocнoвe блoкчeйнa, нaд кoтopыми в нacтoящee вpeмя вeдётcя paбoтa.
2020-9-29 08:00 | |
Ocean Protocol, a data-sharing blockchain, has successfully delivered a decentralized proof-of-concept (POC) for Mercedes Benz manufacturer Daimler. Singaporean blockchain, Ocean Protocol, has completed a pilot project in collaboration with automobile giant Daimler AG.
2020-7-9 19:04 | |
Daimler AG, the Mercedes Benz carmaker, has partnered with the decentralized data-sharing platform – Ocean Protocol. The partnership would help the Daimler to store their critical data which include internal sales and other financial data on a blockchain and then monetize its use within the company as well as throughout the supply chain. Big carmakers […]
2020-7-9 04:34 | |
Crypto firms received at least $30 million in government-backed loans, Brazil bans Binance's derivatives trading and Mercedes Benz' parent tests blockchain.
2020-7-8 19:19 | |
Автопроизводитель Mercedes Benz и стартап Circulor представили пилотный проект на блокчейне для отслеживания цепочки поставок кобальта, необходимого для производства аккумуляторов, и выбросов углерода.
2020-2-2 16:00 | |
A joint pilot by Mercedes Benz and Circulor will track carbon emissions in the cobalt supply chain
2020-1-31 20:12 | |
Coinspeaker Mercedes Postpones U. S. Sales of Its First All-Electric SUV after Bad Results of CompetitorsMercedes Benz said that it decided to support the growing demand for the EQC crossover in Europe first.
2019-12-16 16:28 | |
PlatOn, a blockchain service company, announced the development of a blockchain platform to record and store data for used vehicles in Beijing’s Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. Ltd. (BMBS). The platform uses the data to calculate the residual price of the vehicles before sales.
2019-8-30 17:00 | |
Немецкий автоконцерн Daimler AG, владеющий известным на весь мир товарным знаком Mercedes Benz, планирует создать аппаратный кошелек для автомобилей на базе блокчейна. Для этих целей компания заключила партнерское соглашение с фирмой Riddle&Code, разработка которой позволит создавать криптографические идентификаторы автомобилей и оснащать их телематическими командными модулями, позволяющими получать, подписывать и оценивать информацию от датчиков, находящихся как […]
2019-7-24 10:06 | |
Coinspeaker Mercedes Benz Parent Company Daimler Set to Launch Hardware Crypto Wallet for AutosTech giants, Daimler and Riddle & Code have partnered to manufacture hardware wallets for automobiles.
2019-7-23 13:40 | |
Немецкий автоконцерн Daimler AG, владеющий товарным знаком Mercedes Benz, начал сотрудничать с фирмой Riddle & Code с целью создания аппаратного кошелька для автомобилей на базе технологии блокчейн.
2019-7-23 10:35 | |
Mercedes Benz, one of the most respected and well-known automobile companies in the world announced on February 25, 2019, that it will be utilizing blockchain technology for a more transparent supply chain.
2019-2-27 00:00 | |