rate 100 → Результатов: 113


Ethereum merge could create a risk-free rate for DeFi

Well, well, well. It finally seems like we will have our ETH Merge. September 15th is now the day that is slated for the biggest change in Ethereum’s 7-year history. Ethereum co-founder and crypto god Vitalik Buterin has stated that the upgrade will eventually enable the network to facilitate an eye-watering 100,000 transactions per second […] The post Ethereum merge could create a risk-free rate for DeFi appeared first on Invezz.

2022-8-17 20:29


Terra (LUNA) could have hit bottom: you can buy $LUNA token here

Most crypto investors are optimistic that Terra’s woes are almost coming to an end and that its coin the Terra (LUNA) is poised for recovery in the coming days. The rate at which LUNA was losing its value has reduced from losing over 100% per day to only about 40% per day; a sign that […] The post Terra (LUNA) could have hit bottom: you can buy $LUNA token here appeared first on Invezz.

2022-5-16 19:09

B Бpaзилии зaпущeн пepвый экoлoгичный биткoйн-ETF

Бpaзилия пpoдoлжaeт двигaтьcя впepёд в coздaнии нoвыx инвecтициoнныx вoзмoжнocтeй, cвязaнныx c кpиптoвaлютaми. Ha пpoшлoй  нeдeлe в cтpaнe зaпущeн нoвый биткoйн-ETF. Этo втopoй ETF, oдoбpeнный в Бpaзилии, пpeдлaгaющий 100% дocтуп к биткoйнaм, кoнкуpиpующим c зaпущeнным paнee QR CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate или QBTC11.

2021-8-10 20:00


В CoinMetrics сообщили о замедлении роста хешрейта биткоина

Аналитическая компания CoinMetrics сообщила о замедлении темпов роста хешрейта биткоина за последние два года. Исследователи отмечают, что ситуацию может исправить сезон дождей в Китае. Bitcoin's hash rate grew 180% in 2018, 141% in 2019 and is up 22% YTD Is growth slowing? Or will the Chinese wet season lead to another >100% annual growth? For more mining performance indicator's, check out the June CMBI Mining Index Factsheet - https://t.

2020-7-23 12:01