The platform, currently in a closed beta, aims to match sex workers with clients (just as Uber does for drivers and passengers).
However, experts familiar with the complexities of sex work identified a litany of issues unique to this project, from exploitative fees to a lack of sex worker representation in the project’s leadership.
A PinkDate spokesman who gave only a first name, Roger, told CoinDesk, “PinkDate is not registered as a legal entity.
While the platform will also ask clients to provide identification, sex workers worry PinkDate isn’t devoting enough resources to cross-reference these IDs with industry blacklist databases.
Another escort, who also requested anonymity, said the team has not been communicative with sex workers who signed up to use the app.
For the ongoing series, Code Word, we’re exploring if — and how — technology can protect individuals against sexual assault and harassment, and how it can help and support survivors. There’s no questioning that sex workers face judgement and stigma, as well as blatant, systematic discrimination.
The future of sex work, despite what you may have heard from frantic journalists decrying the death of human interaction, is not robots. It’s humans. But those humans, and their clients, will rely on AI for their safety.
New York introduces a bill that will decriminalize sex workers. This state-wide bill is back by a coalition of more than 30 organizations across LGBTQ R’ US, racial justice and immigrant rights. This is truly amazing sex workers have always been in the shadows almost like the boogeymen of our society.