
Why Is Bitcoin so Boring?

Whether you’ve made a small fortune or lost it, Bitcoin has certainly been a wild ride. Superlatives normally denote some interest if nothing else, but September was possibly the ‘dullest’ month for Bitcoin since records began. дальше »

2018-10-4 05:00

Why The SEC Keeps On Delaying And Eventually Denying Bitcoin ETFs

Investors and traders inside and outside the crypto space have been on the edges of their seats waiting for the SEC decision on the VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust ETF on September 30. The SEC has been dragging their feet in regards to ETF decisions and it has been the frustration of many in the not […] The post Why The SEC Keeps On Delaying And Eventually Denying Bitcoin ETFs appeared first on ZyCrypto. дальше »

2018-9-29 00:02


SEC, CFTC Hits 1Broker Crypto Platform With Charges — Investors Worried

American Regulators Strikes 1Broker Crypto Platform With Legal Charges, Website Seized On Wednesday afternoon, many investors in this industry were caught off-guard, as the American Securities And Exchange Commission (SEC), who has begun to take a growing role in the crypto asset space, revealed that it had charged 1pool Ltd, known as 1Broker to cryptocurrency […] The post SEC, CFTC Hits 1Broker Crypto Platform With Charges — Investors Worried appeared first on Ethereum World News. дальше »

2018-9-28 05:41


With the ICO Era Winding Down, New Era Emerges

ICOs have evolved from what they used to be. A recent Bloomberg article highlighted the new (down) trend, reporting that ICOs raised $300 million in August 2018. This is the lowest level of funding seen in the past 16 months, a mere one-tenth of the average monthly funding volume ($3 billion) in the first quarter […] The post With the ICO Era Winding Down, New Era Emerges appeared first on CryptoSlate. дальше »

2018-9-24 20:00


Hester Peirce Tells The SEC To Back Off From Bitcoin

Hester Peirce, Head Commissioner at the SEC, now known as ‘Crypto Mom’ has again spoken out against the SEC’s aggressive stance on Bitcoin. Peirce is well known for her bullish stance on cryptocurrency and is often seen as the one remaining glint of hope within the SECs structure, an organisation that looks to be taking a very negative stance on cryptocurrencies. дальше »

2018-9-19 20:00

Главный бухгалтер SEC: Blockchain-компании по-прежнему должны соблюдать финансовую отчетность

Главный бухгалтер Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) сказал, что появление цифровых активов и технологии blockchain не изменяет «фундаментальную ответственность» фирм по ведению их финансовой отчетности. дальше »

2018-9-19 20:22


Cryptocurrency-Related Lawsuits Hits All-Time High in 2018

Cryptocurrency-related lawsuits have officially reached its peak, tripling in 2018 According to a 2018 Securities Litigation Report released on September 11 by Lex Machina. The number of cases mentioning Bitcoin or blockchain has increased significantly from the previous years, which coincide with the rise and fall of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. дальше »

2018-9-17 22:00


SEC запретила работу «первого регулируемого криптовалютного фонда в США»

Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) приостановила работу криптовалютного хедж-фонда Crypto Asset Management LP (CAM). Компания позиционировала себя как «первый регулируемый криптофонд в Соединённых Штатах», при этом по факту она работала как незарегистрированная инвестиционная фирма. дальше »

2018-9-12 17:21


First US Regulated Crypto Asset Fund Against The SEC

The SEC (U. S Securities and Exchange Commission) revealed on Tuesday that is has taken action against two digital currency companies. Both mark the first ever action of their kind by the SEC. One of the firms is against a ‘superstore’ for ICOs and the other is against a firm which claims to bring the first regulated crypto asset fund to the United States. дальше »

2018-9-12 12:30

SEC Halts US Trading In Both CXBTF & CETHF, Citing Confusion Amongst Market Participants

Over the weekend, the Securities Exchange Commission temporarily halted trading in US venues of two products from Swedish company XBT Provider. The CoinShares associated operation has had ongoing successes from their Bitcoin and Ethereum instruments across Europe since 2015 and recently made moves to court US investors, with share classes of two products quoted in […] The post SEC Halts US Trading In Both CXBTF & CETHF, Citing Confusion Amongst Market Participants appeared first on Coinjournal. дальше »

2018-9-11 01:55

Мнение: биткоин-ETF вскоре будут одобрены

По мнению некоторых экспертов, шансы на появление биткоин-ETF значительно увеличатся благодаря назначению нового члена Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) Элада Ройзмана, известного сторонника биржевых инвестиционных фондов. дальше »

2018-9-7 09:30