SEC pushes back Ethereum ETF options decision to November

2024-9-25 10:27

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has delayed its decision regarding the approval of options trading for spot Ethereum ETFs. In two separate filings, the SEC said it requires “sufficient time to consider the proposed rule change” that would…

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Ethereum (ETH) на

$ 2619.73 (-0.17%)
Объем 24H $14.382b
Изменеия 24h: 0.15 %, 7d: 13.66 %
Cегодня L: $2614.55 - H: $2670.11
Капитализация $315.317b Rank 2
Цена в час новости $ 2621.17 (-0.05%)

sec options decision ethereum filings said separate

sec options → Результатов: 99

SEC cнoвa paзбиpaeтcя co cкaмaми Start Options и Bitcoiin2Gen

Ceгoдня Koмиccия пo цeнным бумaгaм и биpжaм CШA (SEC) пpoдoлжилa paзбиpaтeльcтвo пo пoвoду мoшeнничecтвa тpёx лиц, cвязaнныx c кpиптoпpoeктaми Start Options и Bitcoiin2Gen. 2017 и 2018 гoды cтaли пepиoдaми нeoбуздaннoй aктивнocти пepвoнaчaльныx пpeдлoжeний мoнeт (ICO), кoтopыe пoддepживaли цeлый pяд aктёpoв, cпopтcмeнoв и музыкaнтoв, иcпoльзуя cвoю пoпуляpнocть для пoвышeния дoвepия инвecтopoв. B cвязи c этим SEC […]

2021-2-2 20:00

SEC предъявила обвинения организаторам ICO, которое продвигал Стивен Сигал

Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) предъявила обвинения трем лицам за проведение мошеннических ICO, включая проект Bitcoiin2Gen, который продвигал актер Стивен Сигал в 2018 году. Согласно сообщению SEC от 1 февраля, основатель Bitcoiin2Gen Джон ДеМарр, основатель Start Options Кристиан Крстич и промоутер Робин Энос обманули инвесторов на сумму более $11 млн в двух […]

2021-2-2 12:21


Thailand’s Top Crypto Exchange Closes its Doors Unexpectedly, Sells BTC For $9k

Crypto traders and investors in Thailand woke up to an unpleasant surprise this morning as the Kingdom’s leading digital asset exchange announced that it was closing down. Limited Options For Thai Crypto Traders In an official announcement today, Thai SEC regulated BX crypto exchange stated that it would be discontinuing digital asset trading services at the end of the month.

2019-9-2 13:00


Cboe Will Not Relist Bitcoin Futures Contracts for March

The Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe) announced that it will not list upcoming Cboe Bitcoin (“XBT”) futures contracts for trading in March 2019. The Cboe Futures Exchange said that the company is “assessing its approach with respect to how it plans to continue to offer digital asset derivatives for trading,” stating that it has no intention to list additional contracts for trading relating to the cryptocurrency.

2019-3-16 01:00

Запущен ETF отслеживания компаний облачных вычислений и блокчейна

Две американские инвестиционные компании AdvisorShares и Sabretooth Advisors осуществляют совместный запуск биржевого индексного фонда (ETF), отслеживающего акции технологических компаний, в том числе связанных с отраслью блокчейна и облачных вычислений.

2019-2-7 11:23


‘We Will Refile and Reengage’ – US Gov’t Shutdown Halts Bitcoin ETF

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has revealed the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) has withdrawn its plans for a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Van Eck: ‘We Will Refile’ Bitcoin ETF A document published January 22 confirms the U-turn, which would have seen fund manager VanEck and developer SolidX potentially offer the first regulated Bitcoin ETF on the US market.

2019-1-24 13:00


The SEC Is Delaying Another Bitcoin ETF Decision

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in no hurry to review the pile of Bitcoin ETF filings it has been accumulating over the past year. Not three weeks since postponing its decision on five other Bitcoin ETFs, the SEC has indicated in a public statement that it will be delaying its decision to approve or reject SolidX Bitcoin Shares until late September.

2018-8-8 17:15

In today’s edition of Bitcoin in Brief we cover a number of stories related to crime from around the cryptosphere: an exchange operator pleads guilty to securities fraud, a scammer is fined over $1.9 million for bitcoin and binary options fraud,

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “Montroll deceived his investors and then attempted to deceive the SEC. He also failed to register with the CFTC as a Commodity Pool Operator. He promised to convert this into fiat and invest it on customers’ behalf in a pooled investment, including trading binary options on an online

2018-7-25 18:25


Public Overwhelmingly In Favor Of Bitcoin ETFs On SEC Website

There has been an overwhelmingly positive public response for the SEC to allow the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) to trade Bitcoin ETFs. The official website for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has received well over 150 comments from members of the public at press time; almost all are in favor of CBOE’s proposal to […] The post Public Overwhelmingly In Favor Of Bitcoin ETFs On SEC Website appeared first on Crypto Briefing.

2018-7-18 01:11