Science / Заголовки новостей
Controversial new test could be used to screen embryos for intelligence
A new test promises to fan the flames of ethical debate surrounding designer babies. For the first time, couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) could soon be able to screen a respective embryo for complex traits, like low intelligence and disease risk. дальше »
2018-11-28 04:43
China may have made the world’s first designer babies despite the risks
A researcher in China’s Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, has claimed that he has created the world’s first gene-edited designer babies. The claim comes as a surprise, as the ethics and safety of this particular form of gene editing are still under debate. дальше »
2018-11-26 15:11
IBM to Develop a Blockchain-Based Solution for Scientific Researchers
IBM revealed it was developing a blockchain-based system allowing a dynamic cooperation between scientific researchers beyond institutional borders and outside interference. Breaking down Barriers IBM is one of the leading computer and software technologies in the world pushing innovation by quickly developing blockchain solutions. дальше »
2018-11-14 02:00
Meet the people busting scientists who fake images in research papers
In biomedical research alone, an estimated $2 billion may have evaporated last year over papers that were retracted due to doctored images. Now, a growing body of researchers are turning to AI to catch crooked scientists in the act, and hopefully solve this decade-old issue. дальше »
2018-11-6 17:32
Xprize winning air-water conversion device leaves us thirsty for more
On October 22, the Skysource/Skywater alliance won the ‘Water Abundance Xprize’ and a reward of $1. 5 million for its device that could extract water from atmospheric moisture. While some news reports claimed that the device could solve the world’s water crisis, hydrologists and water conservationists caution that this isn’t a silver bullet solution. дальше »
2018-11-5 19:58
Physicists might have created quantum entanglement in bacteria
A team of scientists may have observed a quantum physics phenomena called entanglement occur within a living organism. Then again, maybe they didn’t. That’s quantum physics for you. Researchers from Oxford published a study earlier this month detailing their examination of an experiment conducted in 2016 by physicist David Cole and other researchers at the University of Sheffield. дальше »
2018-10-30 21:53
This project literally puts female scientists on the map
Think of the last time you attended a conference and saw an all male panel of experts – or manels as they are called. It is most likely not too long ago. The website 500womenscientists. org is fighting this by making it easier for people across the world to network with female researchers in various fields. дальше »
2018-10-29 17:00
Understanding quantum computers: The noise problem
Quantum computers are fragile miracles of physics that are unreliable, cost-prohibitive, and more error-prone than a shortstop with no depth perception. But, if we ever want to get to Star Trek levels of technology, we probably need them. дальше »
2018-10-25 22:17
Researchers zap nostrils in hope of creating internet of smells
Not too long ago, Google claimed to have a developed a search engine for smells. Google Nose, as it was called, was said to be capable of offering “the sharpest olfactory experience available. дальше »
2018-10-19 12:07
WHO scientists used Photoshop to doctor images in cancer research
Researchers affiliated with WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have been exposed for manipulating images in multiple research papers they have published over the years. Between 2005 and 2014, Massimo Tommasino, head of Infections and Cancer Biology Group at IARC in Lyon, France, and his former colleague there Uzma Hasan, had published multiple papers with doctored images. дальше »
2018-10-18 10:23
Artist explains quantum physics through poetry
Award-winning poet Amy Catanzano isn’t your average wordsmith. Where other poets dabble in heady descriptions of roiling oceans or soaring eagles, she coaxes the beauty out of quantum theory. In her recent work, “World Lines: A Quantum Supercomputer Poem” she explores the wild and wacky world of quantum theory. дальше »
2018-10-13 19:44
Pollinating drone bees can’t replace honey bees, ecologists calculate
The successful demonstration of remote-controlled “drones-bees” by Netherlands’ Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has been making news since Tuesday. But the buzz surrounding the drone’s applications could be much hyped, according to at least two independent estimates by biologists. дальше »
2018-10-11 11:23
This cheap bracelet could decrease your risk of developing skin cancer
Vipul Bansal didn’t believe he was getting enough vitamin D. He’s not alone. Although figures vary wildly, somewhere between 10 and 80 percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient. Bansal, Professor of Applied Chemistry and Environmental Science at Australia‘s Melbourne Institute of Technology, sought a solution. дальше »
2018-9-26 02:00
‘Minimal Turing Test’ asks you to prove you’re a human with a single word
A pair of scientists recently came up with a new take on the Turing Test. It goes like this: “Imagine you and a smart robot are both before a judge who cannot see you. The judge will guess which of you is the human. дальше »
2018-9-24 20:43
This underwater death machine has one mission: Destroy the starfish
Australia‘s Great Barrier Reef is dying. Decades of human intervention have left the UNESCO World Heritage site reeling from the consequences of industrialization — water pollution and climate change, chief among them. дальше »
2018-9-5 04:07
Vinters are using music to make better wine
Winemakers are playing music to their fermented grapes in an attempt to coax more flavor from the bottles. It sounds odd, but they say the waves help improve the way the wine develops. According to National Geographic, a few wine companies are playing music to their aging barrels. дальше »
2018-8-20 20:16
These DIY lasers scare the crap out of YouTube
A chemist YouTuber known for his rather heated content has apparently had several of his videos flagged for being a bit too close to dangerous, which comes as a bit of a surprise considering what else the site allows to exist. дальше »
2018-8-16 01:33
The EPA plans to break up with science — here’s what you can do about it
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is about to ban science from its decision-making process. You’d be excused for thinking this seems like hyperventilating leftist nonsense. A claim that the EPA is banning science surely seems absurd. дальше »
2018-8-16 00:39
Online dating study shows everyone seeks partners ‘out of their league’
A recently published study sought answers to a seemingly unquantifiable question: What does dating “out of your league” really mean? Published in the journal Science Advances, new research details a “hierarchy of desirability” that attempts to pinpoint the traits that makes a desirable partner out of reach. дальше »
2018-8-10 01:49
Scientists hope AI will illuminate the mystery of dark matter
Nearly a decade ago scientists got pretty excited over a glow coming out of the center of our galaxy. They believed it to be gamma ray emissions resulting from self-destructing dark matter. Unfortunately, it turns out, the Milky Way’s glowing “bulge” wasn’t related to suicidal dark matter. дальше »
2018-8-6 21:40
Researchers published a cannabis study that’s dangerously misleading
A recent study published by a team of researchers from Lancaster University and The University of Lisbon indicates long-term cannabis use could result in damage to the human brain. We’re not sure how they managed to come to that conclusion however, because the study was conducted using neither cannabis nor humans. дальше »
2018-7-28 01:33
Scientists confirm Einstein’s theory of relativity
A team of scientists working with the European Southern Observatory (ESO), in Chile, recently concluded a 26 year study to determine what happens when a star passes by a black hole. The results of the campaign appear to confirm Albert Einstein’s famed theory of general relativity. дальше »
2018-7-27 01:18
IBM’s Hello Quantum is a devilishly difficult puzzle game about qubits
IBM’s Hello Quantum is now available on Android. If you only like easy puzzle games that don’t explain anything about how quantum computers work, you’re going to hate it. The game, which debuted on iOS last month, was designed by University of Basel physics professor James Wootton and members of IBM’s quantum computing team. дальше »
2018-7-24 00:01
Study links frequent gadget use to increased ADHD symptoms in teens
It’s no secret that the number of hours teens spend on electronic devices has some impact on their well-being. What scientists disagree on, however, is just how much. The latest study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, has linked Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms to teens who frequently use electronic devices. дальше »