2023-9-22 18:10 |
Blockchain behemoth Ripple continues moving tens of millions of XRP to Bitstamp exchange origin »
2023-9-22 18:10 |
Blockchain behemoth Ripple continues moving tens of millions of XRP to Bitstamp exchange origin »
Coinspeaker Ripple Strengthens Its European Presence with Acquisition of Pantera’s State at Bitstamp Crypto Exchange in Q1 XRP price gained more than 34% YTD to trade around $0. 45 as Ripple widens its portfolio in Europe.
2023-5-25 10:54 | |
2023-5-25 21:24 | |
Ripple has bought Pantera Capital’s minority stake in Bitstamp, a European-based cryptocurrency exchange.
2023-5-25 18:57 | |
Pantera was one of the largest shareholders in Bitstamp until 2014, when the exchange was acquired by Belgium-based investment firm NXMH.
2023-5-25 18:54 | |
Криптовалютная платформа для платежных систем Ripple приобрела пакет акций Pantera Capital у криптовалютной биржи Bitstamp. Об этом сообщила компания Galaxy Digital, которая участвовала в сделке.<br />
2023-5-24 18:12 | |
Американская финтех-компания Ripple выкупила миноритарную долю в бирже криптовалют Bitstamp у хедж-фонда Pantera Capital. Компания Ripple стала владельцем миноритарной доли европейской биржи криптовалют Bitstamp.
2023-5-25 17:02 | |
Crypto payments provider makes power move and secures stake in longest-standing crypto exchange
2023-5-24 14:39 | |
Read about latest events in industry in U.Today’s news digest!
2022-11-30 16:55 | |
Биржа BitStamp повторно обновляет торговую пару Ripple XRP. Лондонская биржа криптовалют BitStamp объявила 3 ноября через Twitter, что позволяет торговать XRP / USDT. До этого 20 декабря 2020 года, через два дня после того, как SEC подала в суд на...
2021-11-4 15:23 | |
A single lump of 250 million XRP tokens has been moved to Bitstamp from an anonymous cryptocurrency wallet, while Ripple keeps sending XRP to Huobi
2021-8-4 10:41 | |
Ripple, its ODL corridor in the EU and several crypto platforms together have moved an amount close to 80 million XRP as the price hit $1.75 earlier today briefly
2021-5-8 11:02 | |
Ripple crypto giant and Bitstamp exchange that suspended XRP trading this year, have together transferred more than 366 million XRP tokens
2021-4-9 11:04 | |
Whale Alert detects almost 73 million XRP moved by two of Ripple ODL corridors and a few other crypto exchanges; meanwhile XRP has surged to $0.94
2021-4-6 11:02 | |
Approximately 72 million XRP has been wired by Bitstamp, Kraken and other top-tier crypto platforms, including Binance, whose US branch has halted XRP trading
2021-3-27 14:22 | |
Major crypto trader Bitstamp, BitGo and several other trading platforms have transferred 85 million XRP tokens in the past twenty-four hours
2021-3-25 10:52 | |
В понедельник, 1 февраля, курс токена XRP от Ripple опустился ниже значений $0,45 после достижения $0,75. На момент написания актив торгуется на уровне $0,43. [caption id="attachment_123630" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Четырехчасовой график XRP/USDT биржи Bitstamp от TradingView.
2021-2-2 17:41 | |
Following the tradition, Ripple fintech giant has released 1,000,000,000 XRP tokens from escrow, while Bitstamp and Coinbase together have moved 645 million XRP
2021-2-1 12:06 | |
Ripple is down another 30% today following a mass delisting, starting with Coinbase, Bitstamp, OKEx, sell off at any stock traded XRP product, and a panic global evacuation of a...
2020-12-31 16:26 | |
C тex пop, кaк Koмиccия пo цeнным бумaгaм и биpжaм CШA пoдaлa иcк пpoтив Ripple пo oбвинeнию в нeзaкoннoй пpoдaжe цeнныx бумaг, мнoгиe зaдaютcя вoпpocoм, чтo будeт дaльшe. Hecмoтpя нa тo, чтo Bitstamp, OSL и Beaxу cтaли oдними из пepвыx, ктo oтpeaгиpoвaл и пpиocтaнoвил тopги XRP, нe вce cпeшaт пocлeдoвaть иx пpимepу. Coглacнo инcaйдepcкoй инфopмaции, […]
2020-12-29 11:11 | |
Halting XRP trading XRP haters continue to have their day in the sun as yet another crypto exchange halts trading. After Ripple revealed that it was facing a lawsuit from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for illegal securities sales, XRP’s price plummeted.
2020-12-26 16:19 | |
Первая крупная ориентированная на розничных клиентов биржа криптовалют вводит ограничения на торговлю XRP. Это связано с иском, поданным на этой неделе Комиссией по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) к эмитирующей его компании Ripple.
2020-12-27 13:00 | |
"In light of the recent SEC filing against Ripple Labs Inc., which alleges that XRP is a security, we are going to halt all trading and deposits of XRP for our US customers on 8 January 2021 at 9 PM The post XRP trading and deposits to be halted for US customers: Bitstamp appeared first on AMBCrypto.
2020-12-26 20:24 | |
Bitstamp becomes the first major exchange to suspend XRP trading after affiliated blockchain company Ripple got sued by the SEC
2020-12-26 19:29 | |
The exchange apologised on Twitter for posting a report that labelled Ripple (XRP) a… The post Bitstamp expresses regret for posting a controversial report appeared first on Coin Journal.
2020-12-10 14:36 | |
An unidentified XRP whale has transferred 40 million XRP tokens worth over $29 million from a previously dormant address to the Luxembourg-based crypto exchange Bitstamp. The transaction, which was tracked by Whale Alert on Nov 24, has generated a great deal of speculation regarding its origin.
2020-11-25 09:34 | |
Data shows that, over the past 24 hours, Ripple, its major ODL corridor with two other big players wired over 116 mln XRP, while Bitrue launched another XRP trading pair
2020-11-19 13:18 | |
Bitstamp может стать первой биржей списка А, поддерживающей утилиту Ripple XRP Fork Flare. Bitstamp, одна из крупнейших и старейших бирж в мире, в настоящее время обдумывает добавление поддержки Ripple XRP Fork Flare, согласно сообщению в блоге от 13 ноября: Чтобы...
2020-11-14 14:59 | |
XRPL Monitor has tweeted that almost 300 mln XRP has been shifted by Ripple, BitGo and ODL corridor Bitstamp
2020-10-27 16:59 | |
Tpeкингoвыe aккaунты Whale Alert и XRPL Monitor oпубликoвaли кpупныe тpaнзaкции, coвepшённыe кoмпaниeй Ripple, ODL-кopидopoм Bitstamp, Binance и Coinbase Pro. Ripple пepeвeлa нa внeбиpжeвoй кoшeлёк 42 млн XRPCoглacнo Whale Alert, Ripple пepeвeлa 42 млн XRP co cвoeгo внeбиpжeвoгo pacпpeдeлитeльнoгo кoшeлькa, a пoзднee нeмнoгo бoльшaя cуммa былa oтпpaвлeнa нa aдpec Ripple c тoгo жe кoшeлькa. Пepeмeщённaя cуммa тoкeнoв […]
2020-10-1 16:23 | |
Ripple shifted 42 mln XRP from its OTC distribution wallet, receiving 40.6 mln from Binance, while Coinbase Pro and Bitstamp have also transacted large XRP amounts
2020-9-30 12:11 | |
According to recently shared data, the Ripple decacorn has shifted 20 mln XRP, sending half to ODL partner Bitstamp, which then transferred 20 mln XRP to another wallet
2020-9-15 16:48 | |
Дaнныe, пpeдocтaвлeнныe XRPL Monitor, cвидeтeльcтвуют o тoм, чтo Ripple пepeмeщaeт внутpи кoмпaнии бoльшoe кoличecтвo XRP, a 10 млн XRP oтпpaвилиcь нa биpжу Bitstamp, нaxoдящуюcя в Люкceмбуpгe. Дecять миллиoнoв XRP нa cумму $ 2 877 682 были oтпpaвлeны c кoшeлькa Ripple RL18-VN, coздaннoгo eщё в 201З гoду, кoгдa Ripple нocилa нaзвaниe Open Coin. B тoм жe […]
2020-8-25 09:05 | |
XRPL Monitor has witnessed a major transfer of $5,757,621, half of which was sent to its European ODL corridor based on Bitstamp
2020-8-24 11:18 | |
XRPL Monitor reported that over the past twenty hours the blockchain giant Ripple has transferred almost 21 mln XRP, while the coin is striving to reach the $0.30 level
2020-8-5 12:06 | |
Blockchain giant Ripple has reached into its deep pockets to throw out 98 mln XRP, while its ODL partner, Bitstamp, has moved half that amount
2020-7-28 12:24 | |
Recent analytical data shows that Ripple wired a little over 160 mln XRP in the last thirteen hours, while its ODL partner Bitstamp wired half of that amount
2020-6-16 14:05 | |
The ODL corridor Bitstamp has moved a gargantuan amount of XRP, with Ripple sending more afterwards. Meanwhile, the XRP Liquidity Index value has come close to a new ATH
2020-5-28 13:15 | |
Теперь Ripple XRP составит торговую пару и с фунтом стерлингов на Bitstamp благодаря добавлению этого фиата на платформу. Bitstamp сотрудничает с Ripple, используя технологию ODL, с 2018 года. Ripple ODL помогает бирже получать ликвидность за считанные секунды, высвобождая капитал и...
2020-5-29 13:01 | |
Ripple trading volume on Bitstamp has increased substantially over the past two months, and may represent a combination of capitulation and selling from Jed McCaleb.
2020-3-25 14:01 | |
The recent market sell-off may not affect only stocks and Bitcoin (BTC). Apparently, XRP whales are also looking for a fiat position, as one wallet moves 24. 95 million tokens to a crypto exchange.
2020-3-10 16:53 | |
Пользователи отследили транзакцию в 31'300'000 XRP на криптобиржу Bitstamp с неизвестного кошелька. В прошлом кошелек продавал миллионы токенов, полученные непосредственно с кошелька Ripple.
2020-2-25 11:10 | |
XRPL Monitor spots a large XRP transaction from Ripple to the Bitstamp exchange, even though the recent Ripple report says it has reduced XRP sales
2020-1-25 16:48 | |
Australian users of the crypto exchange Bitstamp will now be able to deposit US dollars to their account instantly using a Ripple-powered money transfer service called Flash FX. Transfers to the long-running trading venue would previously take days.
2019-12-3 23:00 | |
#Ripple_News_на_русском #Ripple_XRP_Новости_сегодня Ripple на новых рекордах продолжает демонстрировать отличную коммерческую стратегию. Компания Ripple показывает действительно отличные результаты.
2019-12-2 15:09 | |
У пользователей криптовалютной биржи Bitstamp появилась возможность мгновенно пополнять счет долларами США при помощи продукта финтех-стартапа Ripple. Решение было реализовано силами австралийской компании FlashFX, открывшей новый платежный коридор в системе On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) от Ripple.
2019-12-2 13:00 | |
Bitstamp customers can now fund their accounts with USD in no time because of a new Ripple ODL corridor opened by FlashFX
2019-12-2 09:18 | |
Ripple’s native asset XRP has dropped by up to 36 percent from its local top of $0. 315. The third-largest cryptocurrency is now looking to extend its losses further to retest its two-year low.
2019-11-26 02:48 | |
Ripple’s Q3 report highlighted the active use of its On-Demand Liquidity platform through various established corridors. With prominent partnerships, these corridors saw transaction flooding in Q3 which marked a 75% increase.
2019-10-21 20:00 | |
Ripple has been actively pushing its technology using the digital asset, XRP in the traditional market. With traditional money transfer companies like MoneyGram adopting XRP, XRP/MXN volume saw a noticeable spike on Bitso by 25%.
2019-10-6 17:00 | |