Команда модульного блокчейна Avail проведет аирдроп среди пользователей проекта. На эти цели выделят 600 млн AVAIL. Avail позиционируется как слой доступности данных для Optimism, Validium и других решений на базе доказательств с нулевым разглашением, которые будут работать поверх него. источник »
A screenshot of a document describing the eligibility criteria for the airdrop was posted on the social-media platform X by the user @Bitcoineo, and Avail’s public-relations team flagged the to tweet to CoinDesk, describing it as a "leak."
The announcement comes as Celestia's recent launch and airdrop has kindled interest in "modular" blockchain projects that can relieve the burden on primary networks like Ethereum.
OKCoin Sued for Failing to Avail BCH to Investor after BCH Fork Recently, a Chinese crypto investor filed a case against OKCoin after failing to receive a Bitcoin Cash airdrop from the digital currency trading platform.