Top 4 Reasons why Elixxir may Shape the Future of Blockchain Privacy

In the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, several key problems remain in place. Privacy and scaling are two of the biggest hurdles to overcome for any project, regardless of how old it is. Elixxir, a solution entering its early access developer program state this week, may be able to solve most, if not all of these […] The post Top 4 Reasons why Elixxir may Shape the Future of Blockchain Privacy appeared first on NullTX. дальше »

2019-6-14 23:00


Utah Bans Warrantless Searches of Electronic Data by Police

Law enforcement agencies in the state of Utah are banned from doing digital data searches without a warrant, making it the first state in the US to adopt such a law. The citizens’ electronic data can only be accessed if the police or other security agencies get a warrant, with this latest development serving as […] Utah Bans Warrantless Searches of Electronic Data by Police was originally found on Cryptocurrency News | Tech, Privacy, Bitcoin & Blockchain | Blokt. дальше »

2019-4-19 16:59

Google’s ‘Surprise’ Nest Microphone Was a Flub – Not a Privacy Scandal

Google copped to making a mistake Thursday by not disclosing a microphone component  present in its Nest Guard devices, an enhancement to the Nest Secure suite. No Reports of Actual Consumers Bothered By Google’s Secret Nest Microphone Google’s surprise microphone alarmed consumer privacy advocates, but no word yet from any major news sources reporting that actual Nest Guard users were unhappy about Google waiting to disclose the microphone until it had developed the software applications for it. дальше »

2019-2-23 22:33


How to Buy Bitcoin Anonymously

Buying bitcoin is not a revolutionary act. Nor should it be. And yet the way statists, apparatchiks and politicians bang on, you’d think the mere act of acquiring digital currency was akin to receiving the keys to a pandora’s box in which lurks every illicit artifact known to man. дальше »

2019-1-22 10:48