Poolin, the world’s leading multi-cryptocurrency mining pool has revealed that it has successfully raised $10 million from the sale of its pBTC35A bitcoin hashrate token to institutional investors, including Three Arrow Capital, Hashkey, Fenbushi, FBG Capital, and others, according to a TheBlock report on February 8, 2021 Poolin’s Second Token Sale Successful At a timeRead More origin »
There’s a new type of token gaining popularity in the crypto space with the launch of coins that are backed by a specific amount of proof-of-work (PoW) hashrate. On January 6, 2021, Binance launched a new project called the bitcoin standard hashrate token (BTCST), a coin that represents 0.
One of the largest Bitcoin mining pools in the world, Poolin, has launched a BTC hash rate token built on Ethereum to combine proof-of-work (PoW) mining and decentralized finance (DeFi). Named pBTC35A, each unit of the token is equal to 1 terahash second (TH/s) hashing power that is owned by Poolin.
Тенденция к централизации майнинга биткоинов стала результатом многолетней конкуренции на рынке цифровых активов и теперь представляет угрозу, объявил криптоаналитик.
Чжибао (Кевин) Пан, основатель и генеральный директор майнинг-пула Poolin, продает свое предприятие по добыче биткойнов и хостингу в Техасе, получившее название Lonestar Dream, за 49 миллионов долларов, компании Chinese Green Agriculture (CGA).
Chandler Guo, a miner spearheading Ethereum's PoW fork, says most Ethereum miners will face bankruptcy soon.
The post Most ETHPoW Miners Will Capitulate Soon, Says Ethereum Miner appeared first on BeInCrypto.
China-based crypto mining-pool services provider Poolin, which halted all withdrawals from its PoolinWallet on the back of liquidity problems, will be issuing IOU tokens corresponding to that value.
The acquisition of NovaBlock by industry leader Poolin signals growing interest in geographical diversification of bitcoin mining.
The post Chinese Mining Pool Poolin Acquires North American Competitor NovaBlock appeared first on Bitcoin Magazine.
At the end of January 2021, Bitcoin’s network mining difficulty, a measure of how complicated it is to mine a block reward, is higher than it’s ever been during the crypto protocol’s lifetime.