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EU lawmakers need to look beyond the ‘top layer’ when regulating the internet
Brussels policy makers could be forgiven for wanting to move quickly to regulate ‘the internet. ’ Assailed by an avalanche of public opinion and a ‘techlash’ against many of the tech giants, politicians and legislators have quickly sought to target those that loom large. дальше »
2019-6-18 17:00
The unforeseen trouble AI is now causing
AI has come a long way in recent years — but as many who work with this technology can attest, it is still prone to surprising errors that wouldn’t be made by a human observer. While these errors can sometimes be the result of the required learning curve for artificial intelligence, it is becoming apparent that a far more serious problem is posing an increasing risk: adversarial data. дальше »
2019-6-18 23:30
4 mistakes companies make when expanding overseas
You no longer need to be a Fortune 500 company to take your business global. A small startup can market and sell to customers on the other side of the world without ever leaving their zip code. дальше »
2019-6-17 14:55
The ethics of deepfakes aren’t always black and white
Chances are if you’ve seen a deepfake, such as this now infamous video of Obama ‘speaking’ Comedian Jordan Peele’s words, it has left an uncomfortable feeling. Since deepfakes emerged in December 2017, most media coverage has focused on their potentially catastrophic applications. дальше »
2019-6-16 17:00
Personal robots won’t catch on until they become more than a novelty
Last month, another well-funded social robot startup, Anki, closed its doors for good. And it wasn’t the first. In March, Jibo, which had received $73 million in funding, announced that it was shutting down its servers. дальше »
2019-6-15 17:00
Why your workplace sucks at internal communication
Internal communication seem to be this mystical concept that means very different things to everyone. For a PR nerd, it is a silver bullet that helps you improve everything about a company. If you are an HR specialist, it is something that reduces the workload. дальше »
2019-6-11 11:02
What is a knowledge graph and how does one work?
Even though it probably affects our lives every single day, most of us have no idea what a “knowledge graph” is. Asking your favorite voice assistant what the weather will be like tomorrow? That’s thanks to a knowledge graph. дальше »
2019-6-11 10:40
Why Gary Vaynerchuk thinks the death of privacy is a good thing
The answers to almost any question that pops into our head can be answered by simply “Googling it. ” As a result of our insatiable desire for instant gratification, 90% of all internet searches are taking place through Google and its company subsidiary YouTube. дальше »
2019-6-11 10:06
Corporate innovation isn’t dead, it just needs an outside perspective
In-house innovation labs have gotten a bad rap as of late. Whether their primary area of focus is retail, consumer packaged goods, or technology, labs across the board have been hit with criticism of being too siloed, too insular, too slow to adapt, and the like. дальше »
2019-6-10 16:00
The Splinternet is here and your company needs to be ready
We are entering a new era, a battleground of sorts between nations, that some government and industry watchers have termed the “Splinternet. ” The Splinternet is, essentially, the splitting up of the internet into country-specific and region-specific internets, creating a ‘balkanization’ effect. дальше »
2019-6-10 12:00
7 easy tricks you can use to improve your office on a budget
As a designer, I often get asked by growing companies how they can improve their offices and create maximum impact with a minimal budget. And it’s a great question, because engaging employees is key to recruitment and retention. дальше »
2019-6-10 10:00
Forget what you’ve heard about memory — you can’t learn without it
In the age of Google, Siri, and Alexa, memory and knowledge can feel like relics of humanity — something AI and machine learning have made obsolete. With the world’s knowledge in the palm of our hands, shouldn’t we skip learning facts in favor of applied skills and creativity? That may be precisely the wrong lesson to learn. дальше »
2019-6-9 17:00
25 Google Calendar Hacks to Maximize Productivity
Released to the general public in July 2009, Google Calendar is one of the favored time management and scheduling apps available. And, for a good reason. I know a lot at Google Calendar. Here are 25 Google calendar hacks to maximize productivity that every person needs to know how to use. дальше »
2019-6-9 11:00
‘Autonomous last mile’ is coming and society needs to prepare
We humans have always been held back only by the limits of our imaginations. And this is a good thing. Yet historically, we have tended to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, spit out the seeds, and think little of what might grow where they land. дальше »
2019-6-8 17:00
as russian censorship increases, is a decentralized web the answer?
Amid the furor around the Mueller report, it’s somehow become easy to forget that Russia continues to wage war against the truth through censorship and disinformation. This stands true whether you look at the country’s domestic policy or its interference in global politics. дальше »
2019-5-30 17:02
These 4 recruitment tips will help your startup build the perfect team
When your startup starts to grow, one of the first challenges you face is recruiting more hands to cope with the growing amount of work. For my current startup, our founding team has a combined 15 years of experience recruiting top talent and 15 years of running a startup. дальше »
2019-5-30 13:00
Why pilots are safe from automation (for now)
Our world is becoming more and more automated by the year; we all know that. But that doesn’t mean everything in sight needs to be automated. Sure, Siri has replaced some of our mundane tasks, and a lot of our business tasks like data entry are now automated. дальше »
2019-5-30 11:00
Investing in ‘magnet’ teams is the key to enterprise innovation
Picture an innovator. I’d be willing to bet that you’re not imagining someone in a suit. That’s fair; when it comes to innovation, big companies have a pretty bad rap. They are more often seen as big, clunky, behind the times — steady, sure, but not where you think to look for rapid-fire development of game-changing technologies. дальше »
2019-5-30 09:00
What it means to actually ‘disrupt’ an industry (and 3 signs your startup is doing it)
Though there are many issues startup founders need to address if they wish to achieve rapid growth, few concepts are gaining as much attention as “disruption. ” After all, many of the most successful companies in the world have gained their status by disrupting their associated industries — and it seems like new innovators pop up every day. дальше »
2019-5-29 21:28
I miss blind, dumb enthusiasm for new tech
Today marks 10 years since Google stoked great excitement in the tech community by unveiling a new product called Wave. I remember it clearly, because that day I sat down on my sofa 5,000 miles away from Googleot their hands on it, they were left confused about… This story continues at The Next Web дальше »
2019-5-28 10:00
7 steps to building a stellar engineering competency matrix
As a manager, I view it as my responsibility to provide every engineer with a realistic and achievable growth plan they can execute against. In that responsibility, I try to be fair and objective, ensuring each individual is being held to the same set of standards at each level of engineering growth. дальше »
2019-5-27 10:00
How to prevent an AI-induced mid-career crisis
At this point, it feels like I’ve heard countless stories about workers who are restless about the effects that AI will have on their jobs and their careers in the relatively near future. While we must certainly take into account that the nature of certain workplaces and the human roles within them may change, I believe a proactive approach in adapting can make all the difference in withstanding AI’s advent in the workforce. дальше »
2019-5-26 19:00
Why the future of US data regulation must come from Congress
As of May 2019, over 20 US states have introduced bills seeking to regulate data privacy, data security, or some combination of the two. While many of these bills agree in spirit (i. e. privacy good, data collection and usage bad), the various bills are decidedly more divergent as to how to accomplish these objectives. дальше »
2019-5-25 19:00
Minimize Potential Cyber Hack Damage With These 11 Good Data Habits
Cybercriminals and hackers are more aggressive than ever these days. With advanced technology, breaches are increasingly common, which puts companies and their customers at risk of fraud and identity theft. дальше »
2019-5-24 12:00
Exploring the dark underbelly of smart home technology
This past holiday season, AI-powered devices like the Amazon Echo and Google Home were among the hottest gifts across any product category – a trend that speaks to the rising popularity and acceptance of smart home technology in the U. дальше »
2019-5-22 17:52
Technology and parenting: addressing the friction
Raising children has always been tough work. Whether in ancient Greece or modern America, there have always been distinct cultural challenges that come with parenting. Each generation of parents must deal with a new set of issues. дальше »
2019-5-22 17:49
How DevOps managers can learn to trust automation
“It worked in staging!” says the dev team. And the ops team replies: “it must be a code issue. ” Developers and ops people sometimes have different perspectives on why a deployment went wrong. дальше »
2019-5-22 13:13
The future of AI is collaborative
AI is becoming increasingly widespread, affecting all facets of society — even Sonic drive-ins are planning to implement artificial intelligence to provide better customer service. Of course, every time a new innovation appears in the realm of AI, fears arise regarding its potential to replace human jobs. дальше »
2019-5-21 19:16
The Roadblocks to European Fintech Expansion
“The US market is vast. There are a lot of consumers in the US that use outdated technologies, and from that perspective we see huge potential here [in the US],” announced Nicolas Kopp, US CEO of N26, during a panel at Netguru’s Disruption Forum. дальше »
2019-5-21 18:01
Boring but necessary: 4 budgeting mistakes to avoid when growing your company
It may sound boring, but careful and sensible budgeting is crucial to every growing company. Not only does successful budgeting save time and energy, but it also allows you a more thorough understanding of what about your offering and process works and what doesn’t. дальше »
2019-5-21 14:42
Apprenticeships are critical to America’s future as a knowledge economy
An exciting trend is emerging in the US workforce: over half a million workers are using apprenticeships to acquire valuable experience and a pathway to a steady job. They’re earning money while learning critical, in-demand skills. дальше »
2019-5-19 19:00
3 things brands can learn from Apple’s struggle to stay on top
Steve Jobs and Jony Ive called the small design studio I worked at asking for help back in 1997. They wanted us to create a new desktop computer that would save Apple from going under. We accepted the challenge and created the multi-colored iMac. дальше »
2019-5-18 19:00
Avoiding buzzwords: Eight alternatives to calling yourself ‘innovative’
It’s common to hear businesses describe themselves as “innovative. ” Many companies strive for innovation in their products, services and marketing strategies. However, the term can be overused, resulting in a lack of impact. дальше »
2019-5-17 12:00
Accessibility needs to be at the forefront of tech — here’s why
In March 2019 IKEA was praised for partnering with nonprofits to develop accessories that make its products more accessible for people with impairments. It’s a novel step forward but I can’t shake the feeling we need to reframe the conversation on accessibility in technology entirely. дальше »
2019-5-16 19:00
When it comes to speaker diversity, we’ve only scratched the surface
We all live professional lives alongside people who look pretty different from one another. So, why is it that the conferences many of us frequent have stages that are manned by – well, men? All too often, I show up to a panel only to find that all of the speakers are male. дальше »
2019-5-16 11:45
Normalizing engineers’ rockstar status is destroying tech companies
The door handles on the Tesla Model S are exceptionally terrible. Until you get used to them. Until you become an insider. Because no one really wants to wait for an actuated door handle that pops out in deference only to those who are worthy. дальше »
2019-5-11 18:00
Your business passed the GDPR challenge — but SCA is next
Europe is bracing itself for a big shake-up in how we pay for things online, which will have significant consequences for businesses across the region. Similar to how GDPR hugely impacted how millions of organizations handle personal data when it was enforced last year, Strong Customer Authentication (or SCA) will have profound implications for how businesses handle online transactions and how we pay for things in our everyday lives when it is enforced on September 14. дальше »
2019-5-10 12:00
Business Operations and Ethics: 11 Technologies to Watch
The capabilities of modern technology have made our world more connected, personalized and efficient than ever. With this unprecedented power and access comes the ability to operate in a more transparent, ethical manner—and consumers expect businesses to do so. дальше »
2019-5-10 12:00
Your brand can learn a lot from how MLB changed how it sells tickets
Opening day has come and gone, and another season of baseball has kicked off. For all the nerds like me, who have watched and compiled the stats to analyze, I assure you, this is not another “Moneyball” article. дальше »
2019-5-10 10:00
How toxic company culture is derailing billion-dollar M&As
Reputation always matters, but rarely more than in large M&A deals. With M&A worth $3 trillion a year across the US and Europe, even a small reputational issue can cost billions if it makes the difference between a deal taking place or being scuppered. дальше »
2019-5-10 08:30
Here’s how working with VCs can make you more than just money
Even though it might seem biased — coming from a VC — I genuinely believe that for ambitious founders looking to grow fast, VCs are a necessary step on the road to world domination. Unless you’ve got bundles of cash to self-fund, VC investment gives you the resources to get your product to market, scale your operations significantly faster than you could otherwise, and avoid many of the common pitfalls that early startups face. дальше »
2019-5-10 05:30
Before developers build cathedrals, teach them to build sheds
It‘s a truth universally acknowledged that managing fewer things is easier than managing lots of things. Yet, why do so many of us in tech exalt “scale” as a paramount virtue? The cloud-native arena is a particularly interesting focal point for this exact debate. дальше »
2019-5-9 12:00
The crypto marketing war — a story about guerilla marketing
When I first joined the blockchain space as a PR guy a few years ago, my focus was almost entirely centered on press coverage on high profile business publications. Sure thing, most of my clients simply would not buy anything but Forbes, Business Insider, and Entrepreneur features. дальше »
2019-5-9 10:00
SaaS startups are changing the founder/investor dynamic
The balance of power between startup founder and venture capital investor has changed – and the rules of the courtship reversed. Falling software costs and better management mean Software as a Service (SaaS) startups are accessing less funding, keeping their capital and more often finding success on their own. дальше »
2019-5-9 05:30
An entrepreneur’s guide to South Korea’s blockchain tech scene
While an old Korean proverb warns that ‘If you don’t walk today, you must run tomorrow,’ the motto of modern South Korea’s approach to innovation might be summed up thusly: Walk briskly today, so you’re set to outrun the rest tomorrow. дальше »
2019-5-8 18:25
3 ways to effectively explain your creative process to your colleagues
As an amateur designer and as someone who has worked with designers in marketing positions previously, I came to understand that designers of all sorts have their own creative process and each one is a little bit different. дальше »
2019-5-8 08:30
3 practical questions all marketers should ask their virtual assistants
Just a few short years ago, marketing teams looked to the “cutting-edge” technology of the time to engage with customers more efficiently: IVRs. These tools served a useful purpose, providing quick answers to straightforward questions and slashing wait times—but they’re no longer cutting it. дальше »
2019-5-8 05:30
6 ways to improve your email campaigns
Want to communicate about a new product to your customer or, want them to opt for your services? An email is not just an excellent way to communicate with your customers, but also a medium of conversion for most companies. дальше »
2019-5-7 05:30
IBM’s Hyperledger isn’t a real blockchain — here’s why
Back in 2016, enterprise prominence and history of IBM’s brand would result in wide industry adoption of their blockchain tech, but instead, adoption has been sluggish and most solutions are still in the nascent proof-of-concept stages. дальше »
2019-5-5 18:00
Blockchain is the best way to truly benefit from our own data
It’s said that data powers today’s most profitable corporations, just like fossil fuels energized those of the past. To paraphrase: your data is being used by businesses over and over to help them make important decisions. дальше »