2023-9-1 21:44 |
PancakeSwap, a leading decentralized exchange (DEX), has launched on Base origin »
2023-9-1 21:44 |
PancakeSwap, a leading decentralized exchange (DEX), has launched on Base origin »
PancakeSwap initially launched on BNB Chain but is now available on five blockchains. The zkSync Era blockchain is the most recent blockchain that the DEX will be available on. The move is aimed at expanding PancakeSwap’s user base and increasing protocol revenue.
2023-7-28 20:25 | |
PancakeSwap was spawned out of the decentralized finance (DeFi) cloning and food farming frenzy in late September 2020. Instead of duplicating Uniswap on Ethereum, it chose Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its BEP20 standard to base its operations.
2021-2-11 10:13 | |