Official: Russia Will Not Introduce Separate Regulation for Facebook’s Libra

Official: Russia Will Not Introduce Separate Regulation for Facebook’s Libra
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2019-7-2 22:05

Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev said Russia will not introduce separate legislation regarding Facebook’s Libra

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russia separate libra introduce facebook moiseev said

russia separate → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 7


Russia: Bitcoin Owners and Miners Will Not Face ‘Separate’ Tax Laws

Russia will subject owners and miners of cryptocurrency to all existing tax obligations from Autumn, authorities hinted July 18. Aksakov: No ‘Separate’ Treatment For Crypto Speaking to local news outlet Izvestia, Anatoly Aksakov, head of the financial markets committee at Russia’s state Duma, said there were currently no plans to draw up “separate” tax frameworks solely for cryptocurrency.

2018-7-19 01:00