2019-1-29 07:03 |
Our vision is to make crypto-shopping, short „crypping“, possible for everyone everywhere. While the demand for attractive and innovative payment options with crypto currencies con¬tinues to rise, there are no real impulses on the provider side for applications of crypto cur¬rencies.
To be able to pay with crypto currencies in our daily life is currently not possible, or only possible to a limited extent. NOBOBOX will be the innovative pioneer to be able to shop everywhere with crypto. NOBOBOX users will be able to pay online as well as in their ever¬yday life at stationary PoS with different crypto currencies. Only then will crypto currencies become a real means of payment and offer users a real added value, since crypto can finally be used to pay for goods or services.
What is our Unique Selling Point (USP)?
With our innovative business areas „NOBOCARD hybrid“ and „PLUG‘N‘PAY“, we offer a holistic approach for buyers and merchants to use crypto in the usual way for shopping, be it statio¬nary or online. The needs of all stakeholder groups - traders, buyers and shareholders - are met. Our unique selling point is the unlimited payment option with different crypto currencies and Fiat money- for everyone and everywhere. We thus create the conditions for secure, transparent, efficient and also international payment processing with various digital curren¬cies and Fiat money . Our advantage lies in particular in the high level of security, reliability and fast payment processing. Following the Initial Token Sale (ITS), NOBOBOX has set itself the goal of maximizing the shopping experience with innovative service products. As usual, all users can shop as they wish and now pay with different crypto currencies in addition to the established payment method in euros, dollars, etc. All stakeholders benefit from the innovative character of the NOBOBOX ecosystem.
Our NOBOCARD hybrid represents a crypto/debit and credit card in one single card in order to pay with crypto at all Visa or Mastercard acceptance points, while the merchant, as usual, receives fiat money - i. e. euros, dollars, etc. Our goal is to make the crypto experience even easier and more attractive.
With the PLUG‘N‘PAY service, NOBOBOX opens up new possibilities for merchants to accept payments with crypto. With PLUG‘N‘PAY, merchants can now accept different crypto curren¬cies in addition to established payment options with Fiat money and win new target groups and thus conquer new markets. origin »