Результатов: 22

Understanding Token Unlocking And Circulating Supply Dynamics In The Crypto Market

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the relationship between unlocked tokens and circulating supply can often vary significantly, influencing market dynamics and investor perceptions. While circulating supply is a standard metric, it doesn’t always directly correlate with the percentage of tokens unlocked as outlined in project whitepapers. Let’s examine several notable […] дальше »

2024-10-11 11:38

Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency: Separating Hype from Reality

Pick an industry – any industry – and you can virtually guarantee that AI will have been hailed as its next big thing. The cryptocurrency sector is no different, with many of 2017’s ICOs shoehorning the concept into their whitepapers somewhere in a bid to appear “cutting edge” and in touch with the zeitgeist. дальше »

2019-3-15 07:30


Wall Street Journal Reveals 513 Deceptive ICOs Without Unique Whitepapers

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), an international daily newspaper on December 26 2018, released a report which shows that out of 3,291 initial coin offerings (ICOs), 513 of them are very risky or outright scam projects, as a  number of red flags were seen in their whitepapers, including duplicate content, non-existent team members, unattainable objectives, or inaccessible web pages. дальше »

2018-12-29 09:00

A Broad Overview of Cryptocurrency Activities in 2017

A little over ten years ago, one of the most important whitepapers in the history of the financial industry was released. Written by a man- or a lady- or men- or ladies- under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and born out of the horror that was left on the world by the financial crisis of 2008, […] The post A Broad Overview of Cryptocurrency Activities in 2017 appeared first on Coinjournal. дальше »

2018-11-23 15:34

Bitcoin Whitepaper 10 Years Ago: The Best, Worst and Unknown Future

All crypto projects these days have whitepapers and roadmaps. Most people though, don’t know that the need for that started with bitcoin. Bitcoin’s whitepaper is to date the most comprehensive whitepaper in the crypto industry as well as considered one of the most authentic and significant document in the history of computer science. That was […] дальше »

2018-11-2 05:18

‘Large Amount of Altcoins have Senseless Whitepapers’ says Bitcoin Developer Jimmy Song

Bitcoin Developer and YouTuber Jimmy song Won’t Cover or Discuss Altcoins And ICOs Because he thinks “Altcoins Are Useless” And “Most ICOs Are Complete Scams” In a strongly competitive industry where every crypto is trying its best to remain relevant, there sure are some tricks up the players’ sleeves. дальше »

2018-10-26 13:43


Криптоэнтузиаст собрал 1600 описаний криптовалют и ICO на одном сайте. Зачем это нужно?

Юрист Джон ван Ридж создал самую полную на данный момент библиотеку white paper криптовалютных проектов. Ресурс под названием All Crypto Whitepapers содержит 1,6 тысячи документов, которые позволят предпринимателям лучше объяснить инвестору преимущества продукта. Об это пишет Bitcoin News. По словам... дальше »

2018-9-6 17:00


World’s First Legal Literature on ICOs Calls Out Fundraising Method

A University of Pennsylvania legal research report concluded Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have mostly “failed” to reflect on their contractual promises as described in their whitepapers. ICO Projects a Far-Fetched Endeavour Titled “Coin-Operated Capitalism,” the paper was released on July 17, 2018, and aims to explore ICOs as a legitimate option of fundraising. дальше »

2018-7-20 19:00

Academic Research Reveal Most ICOs are not Decentralized, Ignore their Whitepapers

The University of Pennsylvania law school in its recent report said that most initial coin offerings (ICOs) to provide adequate security against insider trading or stick to their white paper promises A Recurring Decimal Its stale news that bad actors have always taken advantage of the largely unregulated nature of the crypto space to conduct […] The post Academic Research Reveal Most ICOs are not Decentralized, Ignore their Whitepapers appeared first on ZyCrypto. дальше »

2018-7-19 18:19


Review of top 50 ICOs shows most promise things they will never deliver

The most extensive legal report on initial coin offerings (ICOs) is now available to the general public, and the findings are pretty damning. University of Pennsylvania legal professors, alongside research teams, have meticulously studied the top 50 highest grossing ICOs of last year – their whitepapers and their code – to determine if there was any disparity between promises made and cryptocurrencies developed. дальше »

2018-7-18 17:30