Результатов: 61

Coca-Cola выпуcтилa нa Ethereum экcклюзивныe NFT

Coca-Cola выxoдит нa pынoк NFT. Aукциoн нaчнётcя в 15:01 пo мocкoвcкoму вpeмeни З0 июля и зaвepшитcя в 2З:00 2 aвгуcтa. B coтpудничecтвe c coздaтeлeм индивидуaльнoгo ЗD-кoнтeнтa для виpтуaльныx aвaтapoв Tafi и кpeaтивным aгeнтcтвoм Virtue бpeнд нaпиткoв coздaёт пepвую кoллeкцию цифpoвыx пpeдмeтoв кoллeкциoниpoвaния, пpиуpoчив этo coбытиe к Meждунapoднoму дню дpужбы. дальше »

2021-7-29 08:00

Celebrity Crypto Poker Tournament on Virtue Poker Platform to Be Live Streamed on Twitch

Virtue Poker will be organizing a high-value celebrity poker tournament to support charitable organizations. During the event, viewers can participate in giveaways and win rare NFT rewards. Virtue Poker’s Upcoming Poker Tournament Has a Lot to Offer for Everyone Virtue Poker, funded by well-known industry investors, including Pantera Capital, ConsenSys, DFG Group, and more, is […] дальше »

2021-5-27 16:00

Ethereum poker dApp Virtue integrates FunFair Wallet to enhance gameplay

CryptoNinjas » Ethereum poker dApp Virtue integrates FunFair Wallet to enhance gameplay Virtue Poker, a decentralized poker platform that uses the Ethereum blockchain to provide an online poker app that’s safe, honest, and fun, today announced it has chosen FunFair Technologies’ non-custodial wallet solution to power their new MGA licensed poker dApp. дальше »

2021-5-26 21:02

Embodying taller avatars in VR can make us more confident in real life

The high immersive capacity of virtual reality is often acknowledged as its main virtue when compared to other media and communication technologies. It is indeed a defining virtue. However, when it comes to the virtue that could really position VR as a powerful positive technology in the market, we have to look at another key feature: avatar embodiment. дальше »

2019-8-1 18:10


Satoshi’s Treasure: The Chase Is on for a $1 Million Bitcoin Prize

A treasure hunt for $1 million worth of bitcoin is officially underway. In a cryptic, rambling message broadcasted to the Blockstream Satellite on April 13, 2019, an anonymous user challenged the rest of the Bitcoin community to a million dollar hunt for what they called “Satoshi’s Treasure,” a contest which will “test the resolve, courage, intelligence, and savvy [sic] of would-be hunters,” the game master claimed. дальше »

2019-4-16 23:28


В Дании появился цифровой помощник с голосом неопределенного пола

В Дании разработали первый в мире цифровой помощник Q, чей голос не имеет определенного пола. Созданием бесполого робота занимались психологи, звукорежиссеры и лингвисты креативного агентства Virtue Nordic. дальше »

2019-3-26 14:07