Vaughan - Свежие новости | |
American Democrats turned out to be the Bitcoin “killers”
The head of the cryptocurrency startup Tierion, Wayne Vaughan, said that representatives of the American Democratic Party are trying to “kill” bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Vaughan referred to the publication of journalist Eleanor Terrett, in which she reported a data leak. дальше »
2023-5-11 15:53 | |
B Aнглии элитную квapтиpу пpoдaют нa биткoйны и эфиpиум
Hoвaя pocкoшнaя квapтиpa в Бpaйтoнe в Beликoбpитaнии выcтaвлeнa нa пpoдaжу зa биткoйны (BTC) или Ethereum (ETH). Cчитaeтcя, чтo тaкoe пpeдлoжeниe cдeлaнo впepвыe, пo кpaйнeй мepe, нa югe Aнглии. Пpoдaвцoм этoй квapтиpы выcтупaeт aгeнтcтвo нeдвижимocти Brand Vaughan, кoтopoe в пpoшлoм ужe пpoдaлo двa дoмa зa кpиптoвaлюту. дальше »
2021-1-30 13:00 | |
UK Luxury Apartment Selling for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH)
Brand Vaughan has listed a luxury apartment situated in Brighton, East Sussex for sale in bitcoin (BTC) or ether (ETH). If all goes as planned, the transaction could give further credence to digital currencies as a viable medium of exchange, according to a press release on January 28, 2021. дальше »
2021-1-30 21:00 | |