Результатов: 48

Push Protocol launches Push Chain to unify blockchain communication and transactions

Push Protocol has announced the launch of Push Chain, a layer 1 blockchain that connects chains and integrates communication protocols with on-chain transactions. The platform’s architecture supports interactions across EVM and non-EVM ecosystems, allowing developers to access wallet states from distinct networks without relying on fragmented infrastructure. дальше »

2024-12-12 16:50


Cartesi and Avail Announce Strategic Integration to Advance Web3 Development

Cartesi, a modular execution layer protocol that equips developers with access to a full Linux environment, and Avail, a modular blockchain framework designed to unify web3 and optimize data availability (DA) for scalable and customizable applications, are pleased to announce a close collaboration set to significantly advance web3 development. дальше »

2024-7-3 17:21

Cartesi and Avail Announce Strategic Integration to Advance Web3 Development

New York, New York, July 2nd, 2024, Chainwire Cartesi, a modular execution layer protocol that equips developers with access to a full Linux environment, and Avail, a modular blockchain framework designed to unify web3 and optimize data availability (DA) for scalable and customizable applications, are pleased to announce a close collaboration set to significantly advance […] The post Cartesi and Avail Announce Strategic Integration to Advance Web3 Development appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. дальше »

2024-7-2 17:02


Polkadot co-founder proposes new Plaza system to unify parachains and enhance scalability

Polkadot co-founder Rob Habermeier has proposed Plaza, a new system chain designed to unify parachain functionalities and enhance network scalability. According to Habermeier, the current distribution of functionalities across multiple chains creates challenges for users and developers, leading to fragmentation and scalability limitations. дальше »

2024-6-19 22:13

Avail Partners With dWallet Network To Introduce Native Bitcoin Rollups to Web3

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 2nd, 2024, Chainwire Following the integration, users will be able to natively manage their BTC on any rollup in the Avail ecosystem without relinquishing control over their digital assets Avail, a modular blockchain solution designed to unify Web3 and optimize data availability (DA) for highly scalable and customizable applications, has […] The post Avail Partners With dWallet Network To Introduce Native Bitcoin Rollups to Web3 appeared first on CoinJournal. дальше »

2024-4-3 16:13

UNIFY пepвым cpeди кpeдитныx coюзoв дoбaвил уcлуги c биткoйнoм

Блaгoдapя пapтнёpcтву c кoмпaниeй New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG), cпeциaлизиpующeйcя нa биткoйнe, UNIFY cтaнeт пepвым кpeдитным кooпepaтивoм, пpeдлaгaющим BTC-уcлуги cвoим члeнaм. B зaявлeнии, cдeлaннoм paнee нa этoй нeдeлe, cooбщaлocь, чтo тeпepь клиeнты UNIFY cмoгут пoкупaть, пpoдaвaть и xpaнить биткoйны c пoмoщью тpaдициoнныx cчeтoв нa плaтфopмax oнлaйн-бaнкингa. дальше »

2022-2-8 19:19


CULedger’s Blockchain Identity Solution Adopted by Three Credit Unions

CULedger, a leading credit union service organization (CUSO) headquartered in Denver, United States, has announced that three credit unions, including TruWest Credit Union, Desert Financial Credit Union, and Unify Financial Credit Union, have successfully integrated its MyCUID distributed ledger technology (DLT) based identity verification solution into their operations, reports FintechFutures on December 16, 2019. дальше »

2019-12-17 02:00

African Digital Asset Framework (ADAF) Looks To Unify Blockchain Standards In Africa

On November 2, the African Digital Asset Framework officially kicked off its planned mandate to establish efforts to consolidate blockchain development standards across Africa and beyond. The project was launched under the Pan-African Organization with the goal of building regulated, cross-border blockchain standards that will link Africans at home and those living abroad. With Africa […] дальше »

2018-11-5 10:16

Global Money Laundering Watchdog to Establish Crypto-Focused Guidelines by June

The global entity responsible for setting international money laundering guidelines is finally ready to lay the foundation for its first crypto-specific set of rules by June 2018. FATF Readies Global Crypto Regulation on Money Laundering Paris, France-based money laundering watchdog, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), has seen increasing pressure from global governments to unify regulation. дальше »

2018-10-20 00:15

France introduces ICO regulations to protect investors

Despite calls for the EU to unify its regulation of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, France has taken the initiative and introduced its own regulations for initial coin offerings (ICOs). In a tweet yesterday, French Minster of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, announced the approval of a legislative framework which would require ICOs floated in France to provide safeguards and guarantees to investors. … This story continues at The Next Web дальше »

2018-9-14 12:20


[ANN] Explore Blockchain Hubs Around the World with ‘CryptoSlate Places’

The blockchain community is undoubtedly a global, decentralized assortment of people and companies working collectively on an ever increasing wide scope of projects and potential use cases. In an effort to unify and integrate this domain, our newest feature, CryptoSlate Places, is designed to organize and coordinate news, events, companies, and projects for localized blockchain hubs […] The post [ANN] Explore Blockchain Hubs Around the World with ‘CryptoSlate Places’ appeared first on CryptoSlate. дальше »

2018-9-11 20:00