Результатов: 102

Crypto Milestone: Spot Bitcoin ETF Options Get CFTC’s Stamp Of Approval

Spot Bitcoin ETFs hurdle its biggest legal roadblock to date after the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) clarified that it’s no longer taking a role in clearing BTC ETF options. In a staff advisory dated November 15th, the CFTC, through its Division of Clearing and Risk, announced that it was transferring the approving authority […] дальше »

2024-11-18 11:30

Google Plays Nice With NFTs, Starbucks Puts Ex-MLB Star’s NFT Project on Deck

This week, Google made a big shift in their policy towards NFTs, allowing apps in the Google Play store to include the ability to buy, sell or earn tokenized assets. Meanwhile, Starbucks Odyssey, the brand’s Web3 loyalty program, announced their next Stamp would be "designed by Aku," the NFT character launched by former LA Dodgers player-turned-artist Micah Johnson. дальше »

2023-7-15 19:05

CryptoWallet.com Among Minority of Successful Companies to Renew Coveted Estonian License

Estonia-based crypto startup CryptoWallet. com has become one of the first crypto companies to receive a stamp of approval from Estonia’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). CryptoWallet. com renewed its crypto license despite strict regulatory measures introduced last year to maintain compliance and transparency within the crypto space. дальше »

2023-3-22 23:30

Kлиeнты Пoчты Aвcтpии cмoгут купить кoллeкцию цифpoвыx мapoк

Пoчтa Aвcтpии пpeдлoжилa нoвую кaтeгopию пpoдуктoв пoд нaзвaниeм Crуpto Stamp Art (CSA). Eё пoльзoвaтeлям нeoбxoдимo пpиoбpecти физичecкую мapку, пocлe чeгo oни пoлучaют цифpoвoгo двoйникa, xpaнящeгocя в блoкчeйнe Ethereum. дальше »

2022-7-6 10:02

Почта Австрии создаст цифровые почтовые марки при помощи NFT и NFC

Всего будет выпущено 100 тыс. коллекционных марок серии Crypto Stamp 3. 0, а стоимость одной составит $12. Проверить подлинность невзаимозаменяемых токенов можно будет с помощью NFC-чипов. Почтовая служба Австрии («Oesterreichische Post AG») создаст новую версию собственных цифровых марок Crypto Stamp 3. дальше »

2021-5-28 17:50

DeFi’s Resurgence & Bitcoin’s Most Recent Stamp of Approval: A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock

Powered by Every week, IntoTheBlock brings you on-chain analysis of top news stories in the crypto space. Leveraging blockchain’s publicContinue Reading The post DeFi’s Resurgence & Bitcoin’s Most Recent Stamp of Approval: A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog. дальше »

2020-11-12 16:00