Результатов: 48

Vote postponed to renominate SEC commissioner Caroline Crenshaw

Senate Banking Committee chair Sherrod Brown called it a “disgusting smear campaign against Caroline Crenshaw” The vote was postponed minutes before it was due to begin by Brown No date has been set for Crenshaw’s renomination A US Senate vote to renominate Democrat Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been […] The post Vote postponed to renominate SEC commissioner Caroline Crenshaw appeared first on CoinJournal. дальше »

2024-12-13 22:54

Глава Coinbase: «антикриптовалютная позиция — билет на пенсию для политиков»

Брайан Армстронг (Brian Armstrong) празднует победу криптовалютного лобби в американской политике. Глава Coinbase с нескрываемым удовольствием комментирует результаты выборов в США, где республиканец Дональд Трамп (Donald Trump) одержал победу, а прокриптовалютный сенатор Берни Морено (Bernie Moreno) обошел демократа Шеррода Брауна (Sherrod Brown) в Огайо. дальше »

2024-11-7 11:51

Crypto Advocate Bernie Moreno Takes Ohio Senate Seat, Vows Regulatory Clarity

In a closely contested Senate race, pro-crypto Republican candidate Bernie Moreno has emerged victorious over Democrat Sherrod Brown, marking a significant shift in Ohio’s political space. The Associated Press announced Moreno’s win in the early hours of Wednesday (November 6), ending Brown’s tenure and replacing a notable opponent of cryptocurrency regulation with a vocal supporter. […] дальше »

2024-11-7 09:00

Главный критик криптовалют в Сенате США проиграл выборы в Огайо

Поражение сенатора Шеррода Брауна (Sherrod Brown) в Огайо стало триумфом криптовалютного лобби, потратившего $40 млн на устранение неудобного председателя банковского комитета Сената. Демократический старожил собрал 2,4 млн голосов (46,1%), уступив республиканцу Берни Морено (Bernie Moreno) с его 2,6 млн голосов (50,5%). дальше »

2024-11-6 10:25

Crypto Is a Clear Winner With Trump as GOP Takes Senate, Sherrod Brown Loses and Gensler Likely Heading for Door

Having $169 million to spend on U.S. congressional elections can produce fast results in Washington, as the crypto sector's campaign-finance blitz this year helped rid it of a powerful Democratic senator who stood in the way of legislation and also populated Congress with a large number of new friends. дальше »

2024-11-7 10:15

Crypto Industry Committing $12M to Dethrone Sen. Brown in Ohio, PAC Says

Crypto interests are planning to go after Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in their biggest-ever single campaign, setting aside $12 million to support the Republican candidate seeking to snatch the Senate seat from the current chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, who has been highly critical of the digital assets sector and reluctant to embrace crypto legislation. дальше »

2024-8-13 18:47

Most Important U.S. Senator for Crypto’s Future Tells Regulators to Use Existing Powers

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), whose chairmanship of the Senate Banking Committee gives him power over crypto’s congressional destiny, issued a call to arms to regulators on Thursday, demanding that they use whatever authority they currently have over digital assets to improve market transparency and protect the investors putting their money into the sector. дальше »

2023-9-15 21:23

Ban Crypto? Why Senate Banking Chief Suggests SEC And CFTC Should Do So

Crypto is at the crosshair of a U.S. lawmaker – and it’s not surprising. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Chairman of United States Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, suggested on December 18 that federal agencies including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) should perhaps consider the idea of banning crypto […] дальше »

2022-12-19 19:08

Senate Banking Committee Split on How to Regulate Stablecoins

During the Senate Banking Committee hearing on stablecoins, a call for regulating the fiat-backed stablecoins was made, but what they will look like is to be seen. “Let’s be clear about one thing: if you put your money in stablecoins, there’s no guarantee you’re going to get it back,” Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown […] The post Senate Banking Committee Split on How to Regulate Stablecoins first appeared on BitcoinExchangeGuide. дальше »

2021-12-15 17:02


Cенатор Шеррод Браун призвал ФРС выпустить цифровой доллар и перехватить инициативу у частных криптовалют

Сенатор США Шеррод Браун (Sherrod Brown) направил письмо председателю Федерального резерва Джерому Пауэллу (Jerome Powell) с просьбой исследовать возможность выпуска государственной криптовалюты. дальше »

2021-3-7 12:33


US Senator Threats Likely Factored in to Visa, Mastercard, Stripe Leaving Libra

Two US Senators have taken it upon themselves to write letters directly to the heads of three payment companies that were, until yesterday, a part of the Libra Association. In these letters, Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), have threatened: “If you take this on, you can expect a high level of scrutiny from […] The post US Senator Threats Likely Factored in to Visa, Mastercard, Stripe Leaving Libra appeared first on BeInCrypto. дальше »

2019-10-12 08:18

Крупнейший онлайн-кошелек Blockchain.com запустил собственную биржу

Оператор самого известного обозревателя блокчейна и онлайн-кошелька, компания Blockchain, объявил о запуске собственной биржи криптовалют. Биржа под названием The PIT уже работает и на ней открыта регистрация пользователей, однако торги еще не открыты. дальше »

2019-7-31 19:19