Результатов: 30

Правительство Германии потратит $1,2 млн на разработку онлайн-игры в метавселенной

Немецкий стартап Flying Sheep Studios объявил, что привлек $1,2 млн госбюджетных денег. Средства будут использованы для создания игры Star Life в виртуальной вселенной.<br /> <br /> дальше »

2023-3-23 18:29

Bitcoin and the ‘wild west’ crypto-market are entering their final phase, claims report

Libra is a wolf in sheep’s clothing to Bitcoin. Facebook’s Libra was heralded as the harbinger of a massive wave of crypto-adoption. In light of Facebook’s well-established user base, widespread messaging applications, and strong foundations, the cryptocurrency world looked at Libra as a possible bridge for the uninitiated to the decentralized currency industry. дальше »

2019-7-23 14:30


Joseph Lubin: ‘Facebook’s Libra Is Like A Centralized Wolf In A Decentralized Sheep’s Clothing’

The centralized nature of Facebook’s Libra has been a major cause for concern for most people in the cryptocurrency community. Joseph Lubin, Founder of ConsenSys, an ethereum-based technology company and co-founder of Ethereum, said in an article published by Quartz, “Facebook’s cryptocurrency is a centralized wolf in decentralized sheep’s clothing”. дальше »

2019-6-25 17:25