Результатов: 98

Япoнcкaя кинocтудия cнимeт тpи фильмa, пocвящённыx миpу кpиптoвaлют

Япoнcкaя кинocтудия Noma oбъявилa o coздaнии тpёx xудoжecтвeнныx фильмoв, пoвecтвующиx o миpe кpиптoвaлют. Пepвый фильм пoд нaзвaниeм The Rhetoric Star («Звeздa opaтopcкoгo иcкуccтвa») ужe нaxoдитcя в пpoизвoдcтвe, eгo пpeмьepa нaзнaчeнa нa 2024 гoд. дальше »

2022-6-22 15:12


Pundit Explains Why Bitcoin Mining Is Great For The Planet, Contrary To What Critics Say

The rhetoric that Bitcoin mining is harmful to the environment cannot be further from the truth according to Jason Deane and in fact, the opposite might be the truth. In a blog titled “Why Bitcoin Mining Is Great for The Planet” this week, the analyst at Quantum Economics noted that ‘Bitcoin has no apologies to […] дальше »

2022-4-4 13:28


South Koreans File Online Petitions Seeking to Remove a Chief Regulator After Harsh Crypto Comments

As the South Korean government keeps strengthening the harsh rhetoric against cryptocurrencies, citizens have become increasingly angry due to the recent words from regulatory authorities. Over the weekend, petitions started to appear on the web, seeking the removal of the head of the country’s Financial Services Commission (FSC). дальше »

2021-4-28 11:30


Beyond Proof of Work: the XRPL Consensus Solution

With the digital currency revolution continuing to gather pace, the debate between advocates of proof-of-work and newer agreement algorithms rages on. Beyond the rhetoric, the evolution of the consensus approach continues to make steady progress that, due to design limitations, transactionally-focused proof-of-work networks find it difficult to match. дальше »

2020-11-1 21:13


Roger Ver Discusses Growing Rift Within Bitcoin Cash, Hints at Another Fork

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponent and former CEO of Bitcoin.com, Roger Ver has hinted that the block size limit debate is becoming a hot topic for the BCH community. Appearing recently on the Isaac Morehouse Podcast, Ver commented on the mentality of some Bitcoin Cash developers likening it to the rhetoric espoused by their colleagues on […] The post Roger Ver Discusses Growing Rift Within Bitcoin Cash, Hints at Another Fork appeared first on BeInCrypto. дальше »

2020-5-27 13:11