Revix - Свежие новости | |
Haru Invest Fallout Spreads As Revix Withholds 24% of Crypto Asset Balance
South African crypto investment company Revix has announced it will be withholding 24% of customers’ crypto balances. This comes in the wake of one of its partners, Haru Invest, unexpectedly suspending all deposits and withdrawals on its platform. дальше »
2023-6-30 22:00 | |
South African Crypto Platform Revix Raises $4.1 Million
The South African cryptocurrency investment platform, Revix, has reportedly raised about $4. 1 million from its latest capital raise round. According to the firm, part of the raised capital will be used “to launch Revix’s mobile application, a variety of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) investment opportunities. дальше »
2021-4-21 15:30 | |