Результатов: 47

Russian opposition activist launches zero-knowledge voting app to challenge Putin’s inauguration

Mark Feygin launches blockchain-powered referendum to challenge Vladimir Putin inauguration using surveillance-proof Russia2024 voting app with anonymity via zero-knowledge cryptography. The post Russian opposition activist launches zero-knowledge voting app to challenge Putin’s inauguration appeared first on Crypto Briefing. дальше »

2024-5-10 11:09

Курс токена Polkadot взлетел до абсолютного максимума

Цена токена Polkadot обновила исторический максимум выше $50 после того, как разработчики проекта объявили, что совет Polkadot одобрил активацию механизма парачейнов, сообщает РБК Крипто. The motion to enable parachain registration and crowdloans has passed Polkadot's council and gone to a public referendum. дальше »

2021-11-3 13:42


Venezuela Holds Unofficial Referendum Using Blockchain, Millions of Votes Cast

The referendum was to decide on whether Maduro should resign from his position or remain in power. Over 6. 5 million Venezuelans voted using a blockchain system. The referendum was held on the Voatz platform, a pro-democracy blockchain-based application where citizens have the opportunity to securely and transparently vote. дальше »

2020-12-18 13:06


Millions of Venezuelans Voted via Blockchain in an Unofficial Anti-Maduro Referendum

An unofficial referendum pursued by the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó took place over the weekend in Venezuela powered by a blockchain platform, while at the same time, parliamentary elections called by the president Nicolás Maduro also had its scenario in a widely criticized, qualified by many countries as a “fraud. дальше »

2020-12-17 11:45


Сообщество Polkadot проголосовало за деноминацию DOT в 100 раз

Второе голосование валидаторов сети Polkadot определило, что один токен DOT должен содержать 10 млрд Planck - наименьших долевых единиц. Один старый DOT эквивалентен 100 новым. The referendum to redenominate DOTs to 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 passed with 86% in favor of 1:100. дальше »

2020-7-28 22:58

Bitcoin may be safe from Brexit aftermath, but firms likely to bear brunt of political uncertainty

Brexit: The oncoming storm The United Kingdom is poised for the oncoming storm: one that promises to sweep away everything in its way. This storm was in its cumulus stage in 2016, with a majority of voters standing in favor of Brexit after the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum took place and is currently […] The post Bitcoin may be safe from Brexit aftermath, but firms likely to bear brunt of political uncertainty appeared first on AMBCrypto. дальше »

2019-9-14 18:30


If the UK holds a second Brexit referendum, can it protect it from trolls and astroturfers?

March 29, the day upon which the UK will leave the European Union, feels nail-bitingly close. Adding to the anxiety is that with the twice-fold rejection of Theresa May’s withdrawal deal, the UK is heading in one of two directions: the first is a chaotic no-deal Brexit, and the second is a second referendum, which would put the terms of the UK’s departure to a public vote. дальше »

2019-3-15 00:17

Новая акция Желтых жилетов берет начало в инициативе «Proof of Keys»

Акция французского протестного движения Желтых жилетов, призывающая граждан Франции массово снять наличные средства с банковских счетов, берет начало в инициативе Proof of Keys, организованной биткойн-активистами, с целью вывода цифровых средств из-под контроля третьих лиц. дальше »

2019-1-10 14:50


New EOS Referendum System Goes Live in Beta

The EOS Referendum Working Group met on Thursday to decide if the new EOS referendum system will get the green signal to launch in beta for testing by the community. On Friday, the group announced that they had secured a “Go” vote for the system after working to fix a myriad of issues that prevented the […] New EOS Referendum System Goes Live in Beta was originally found on [blokt] - Blockchain, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News. дальше »

2018-11-9 20:29


New EOS Referendum Tool Could Enter Public Beta This Week

The EOS blockchain could debut a new referendum system this week. The tool, designed to help users stake their coins for voting will enter public beta upon release. The referendum working group was earlier eyeing a Tuesday, October 22 release for the tool but some issues with open tally and UI delayed the deployment after the […] New EOS Referendum Tool Could Enter Public Beta This Week was originally found on [blokt] - Blockchain, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News. дальше »

2018-10-29 20:59

Emercoin представил блокчейн-платформу для борьбы с дезинформацией и фальсификацией данных

Коалиция Design 4 Democracy, Blockchain Trust Accelerator, Национальный демократический институт и блокчейн-стартап Emercoin разработали и протестировали платформу для защиты целостности важной информации, связанной с избирательными процессами. дальше »

2018-10-24 12:50

EOS Plans to Abolish its Constitution Amidst Mounting Controversies

The problems plaguing EOS don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. In the latest entry to the ever-expanding saga, reports have emerged of plans to scrap the present EOS constitution. In its place will be a new referendum that severely limits the power of block producers (BPs) and streamlines the responsibilities of arbitrators on… The post EOS Plans to Abolish its Constitution Amidst Mounting Controversies appeared first on UNHASHED. дальше »

2018-6-27 23:00