Quiznos - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Fast-food Restaurant Chain Quiznos Starts Accepting Bitcoin In Partnership With Bakkt
Sandwich Shop Quiznos has teamed up with digital asset marketplace Bakkt Holdings to allow their customers to pay with the cryptocurrency. Quiznos will be using Bakkt App, the digital wallet service of Bakkt, to roll out the new crypto payment options in the coming weeks at several of its selected locations across Denver, including “the […] The post Fast-food Restaurant Chain Quiznos Starts Accepting Bitcoin In Partnership With Bakkt first appeared on BitcoinExchangeGuide. дальше »
2021-8-5 16:40 | |
Quiznos now allow customers to pay for meals in Bitcoin
Many in the crypto industry have been dreaming for years about being able to pay their way throughout the day with Bitcoin (BTC/USD), which may include using it for simple things like buying a meal, shopping for groceries, paying bills, and alike. дальше »
2021-8-5 15:10 | |
Ceть pecтopaнoв Quiznos тecтиpуeт oплaту в биткoйнax пpи учacтии Bakkt
Пo cooбщeнию Bakkt, c cepeдины aвгуcтa нeкoтopыe pecтopaны быcтpoгo питaния Quiznos в Дeнвepe, кoтopыe cпeциaлизиpуютcя нa cэндвичax, нaчнут тecтиpoвaть пpиём биткoйнoв. Плaтфopмa цифpoвыx aктивoв Bakkt упpoщaeт тpaнзaкции c биткoйнoм: клиeнты дoлжны зaгpузить пpилoжeниe Bakkt, пpиoбpecти биткoйны, a зaтeм иcпoльзoвaть иx в oпpeдeлённoм pecтopaнe Дeнвepa, нaпpимep, в aэpoпopту. дальше »
2021-8-5 13:22 | |
Bakkt внедрит биткоин-платежи в ресторанах быстрого питания Quiznos
Регулируемая платформа для торговли биткоин-деривативами Bakkt запустит пилотный проект, который позволит сети ресторанов быстрого питания Quiznos принимать оплату в первой криптовалюте. Первыми доступ к биткоин-платежам получат жители Денвера, в аэропорту которого находится ресторан Quiznos с высокой посещаемостью. дальше »
2021-8-5 12:24 | |
Denver: Quiznos Restaurant Customers Can Now Pay in Bitcoin (BTC) Courtesy of Bakkt Partnership
Bitcoin adoption continues to gain traction as a new partnership between Bakkt and Quiznos allows users to pay in BTC for meals at certain locations in the US. Pay For Your Meal with Bitcoin According to a press release issued on August 3, digital asset marketplace Bakkt has collaborated with Denver-based chain restaurant Quiznos toRead More дальше »
2021-8-4 10:00 | |