Результатов: 22

Bitcoin Gets Backing From US Pres’l Candidate, Says Crypto Supports Civil Rights

US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has emerged as a fervent advocate for Bitcoin, elevating the cryptocurrency into the realm of civil liberties. Characterizing himself as a “lifelong defender of civil liberties,” Kennedy passionately endorsed the crypto as a manifestation of the very freedoms he holds dear. дальше »

2023-8-23 12:55

Microsoft: На данный момент мы не планируем инвестировать в биткоин

Microsoft не имеет каких-либо краткосрочных планов по инвестициями в биткоин. Об этом в интервью для CNN 16 февраля сообщил президент компании Брэд Смит. The $BTC balance sheet! I'm asking every Pres & CEO on @firstmove what they are thinking re digital asset/cash diversification. дальше »

2021-2-17 14:09

Digital Dollar Discussion Is ‘Extremely Important’ Urges Pres. Trump’s Fed Nominee

Digitizing the dollar is a key factor in maintaining its appeal as a global currency, Trump’s nominee to the Federal Reserve, Judy Shelton, says. In a congressional hearing on Thursday, Fed nominee, Judy Shelton, said the Federal Reserve should be “compelled to think” about a central bank digital currency (CBDC) given the mileage the innovation […] дальше »

2020-2-14 18:21

Venezuela Pres. Maduro Still Trying to Promote Petro With International Crypto Casino Launch

Nicolas Maduro has at long last authorized the opening of an International Casino in a luxurious Hotel, in the city of Caracas. The casino will be in support of the Petro (PTR) and Public. This means that the casino will operate with Venezuela’s cryptocurrency Petro and the funds will be used to support the public […] дальше »

2020-1-21 18:57