Peninsula - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Джастин Сан съел банан, купленный им за $6,2 млн
Основатель Tron Джастин Сан (Justin Sun) продемонстрировал весьма своеобразный подход к инвестициям в современное искусство — он просто взял и съел банан стоимостью $6,2 млн. И как бы парадоксально это ни звучало, сей эксцентричный перформанс состоялся в гонконгском отеле Peninsula, где собравшиеся журналисты стали свидетелями поедания самого дорогого банана в истории. дальше »
2024-11-30 10:00 | |
Justin Sun eats the $6.2 million banana duct-taped to a wall
Tron founder Justin Sun ate the banana duct-taped to a wall, which he recently bought for $6. 2 million at Sotheby’s. The event took place at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong. The artwork, titled “Comedian,” was created by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan and gained global fame in 2019 when it debuted at Art Basel in […] The post Justin Sun eats the $6. дальше »
2024-12-1 23:00 | |
Reports Show Crypto Custodian Xapo Set to be a Digital Bank in Gibraltar
According to a recent report, the cryptocurrency custodian Xapo is getting ready to become a “fully-fledged” bank in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. The region located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula has also been extending “regulatory guidelines for digital asset exchanges,” according to a partner at the international law firm Isolas […] дальше »
2021-1-21 06:45 | |
Crypto Custodian Xapo Set to be a Digital Bank in Gibraltar
According to a recent report, the cryptocurrency custodian Xapo is getting ready to become a “fully-fledged” bank in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. The region located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula has also been extending “regulatory guidelines for digital asset exchanges,” according to a partner at the international law firm Isolas […] дальше »
2021-1-21 06:45 | |
Bitcoin Now Accepted for US Passport Services with Peninsula Visa
United States citizens can now pay for select passport services with bitcoin. Peninsula Visa announced the change to its accepted payment methods, on Nov. 11. Anticipating an increasingly digital post-coronavirus world, the company describes the service as being “the right move at the right time. дальше »
2020-11-15 14:00 | |
B CШA выдaчу пacпopтa мoжнo будeт oплaтить биткoйнaми
Aмepикaнcкaя кoмпaния Peninsula Visa oбъявилa o тoм, чтo нaчнёт пpинимaть плaтeжи в биткoйнax для oкaзaния уcлуг пo выдaчe пacпopтa, измeнeния имeни и пp. , чтo будeт cпocoбcтвoвaть пpoдвижeнию иcпoльзoвaния биткoйнoв в пacпopтнo-визoвыx cepвиcax в CШA. дальше »
2020-11-16 13:40 | |
North Korea might target Southeast Asia’s crypto-sectors, suggests RUSI report
The Korean peninsula is rife with social and political differences ever since the Korean mainland was split between North and South Korea after the Korean War. According to a report released by The Royal United Services Institute [RUSI], North Korea could target Southeast Asia’s vulnerable crypto-sector. дальше »
2019-4-15 20:00 | |
North Korea Stockpiles $650 Million in Crypto, Hypocritical UN Blames Bitcoin
North Korea has Cryptocurrency. A lot of it. In a piece from Nikkei Asian review, it was reported that experts have testified to the UN that Kim Jong Un’s regime is sitting upon more than half a billion US dollars’ worth of Crypto. дальше »
2019-3-9 18:55 | |
Iberian Peninsula’s Andorra Govt To Use Blockchain For Storing Educational Academic Degrees
Blockchain Technology To Come To Higher Education In Andorra For Storage Of Academic Degrees Due to the ability to easily store information, blockchain technology has gravitated to multiple industries like food service and even healthcare. дальше »
2019-2-22 22:37 | |
Crimea to Set Up Blockchain University to Help Countries Evade U.S. Sanctions
Crimea, a disputed territory between Ukraine and Russia, is heading towards the creation of an international center for blockchain technology. Authorities in the Crimean Peninsula regard blockchain technology as a solution for states under international sanctions. дальше »
2018-11-17 16:30 | |
Jeju Wants to Become the Latest Blockchain Island
The Jeju Island just off the coast of the Korean Peninsula is eyeing becoming a favorite destination for blockchain and cryptocurrency enterprises. Policy officials in the Island’s government administration have begun preliminary deliberations on how to achieve the goal. дальше »
2018-8-14 18:32 | |