Pank - Свежие новости | |
Study finds that the blockchain can play a key role in CBDC development
The blockchain can play a pivotal role in developing central bank digital currency (CBDC) platforms across the globe. A press release unveiled this news on December 12, noting that Eesti Pank, the central bank of Estonia, and Guardtime, a renowned European deep tech company, conducted a joint research project and found blockchain technology has multiple […] The post Study finds that the blockchain can play a key role in CBDC development appeared first on Invezz. дальше »
2021-12-14 18:41 | |
Estonia’s Central Bank is the Latest to Launch a CBDC Research Initiative
Estonia’s Central Bank, Eesti Pank, is the latest monetary authority to debut research into the potential of CBDCs within its jurisdiction. The bank announced on October 2 that it had launched a research program that will look further into the building and deploying a CBDC for Estonians. дальше »
2020-10-5 18:06 | |
Цeнтpoбaнк Эcтoнии иccлeдуeт цифpoвыe вaлюты
Цeнтpaльный бaнк Эcтoнии Eesti Pank oбъявил o зaпуcкe иccлeдoвaтeльcкoй пpoгpaммы пo coздaнию инфpacтpуктуpы цифpoвoй вaлюты. B этиx цeляx Eesti Pank coтpудничaл c тexнoлoгичecкими кoмпaниями SW7 Group и Guardtime, чтoбы убeдитьcя, чтo peшeниe блoкчeйн-инфpacтpуктуpы пoдпиcи бeз ключa (KSI) пoзвoлит зaпуcтить пpoгpaмму виpтуaльнoй вaлюты. дальше »
2020-10-6 10:00 | |