Результатов: 14

Мурад Махмудов, CIO Adaptive Capital: Закупайтесь, биткоин движется к $100 000

Бывший аналитик Goldman Sachs и инвестиционный директор криптовалютного хедж-фонда Adaptive Capital Мурад Махмудов ожидает, что курс биткоина может вырасти до $100 000. At first glance this looks like a weak chop for the next week or so, but my intuition tells me there is steady accumulation happening at these levels. Don't try to outsmart yourself […] дальше »

2019-8-14 16:20


Problem gamblers more likely to obsessively trade cryptocurrency, research finds

A new study has linked cryptocurrency trading obsession with problematic gambling – those who bet too regularly are at an elevated risk of trading cryptocurrency more frequently. The study, which surveyed 876 adults who had gambled at least monthly, found that more than 50 percent of participants had traded cryptocurrency over the past year. дальше »

2019-3-11 16:15