Результатов: 137

Партнер Ripple Ria Money Transfer сотрудничает с Nobel Financial

Недавно партнер Ripple Ria Money начал сотрудничать с Nobel Financial. Партнер Ripple Ria Money Transfer, дочерняя компания Euronet Worldwide, Inc., EEFT, заключила альянс с Nobel Financial Inc., входящей в состав Nobel Ltd, для перевода 117 агентов Нобеля на бренд, платформу... дальше »

2021-9-24 14:24

Economist Who Said The Internet Would Fail Says Crypto Is For Tax Cheats And Criminals

Paul Krugman, who counts winning the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics among his accolades, slams the crypto industry, saying its only use is for “tax evasion and illegal transactions.” The comments came in reference to a Bloomberg article about the infrastructure bill, which has drawn mounting criticism for various reasons. Including the main gripe for […] дальше »

2021-8-28 03:01


Nobel Prize-Winner Myron Scholes Backs Stablecoin to Rival Facebook’s Libra

The Saga Foundation, a Swiss non-profit created last year dedicated to developing new technologies in open and decentralized software, is launching a new virtual currency called Saga (SGA). The token is connected to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) cash reserve that can initially only be owned by accredited and identified investors. дальше »

2019-12-10 21:00


How finding the first exoplanet changed our perception of the universe

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for “contributions to our understanding of the evolution of the universe and Earth’s place in the cosmos. ” Half the prize went to cosmologist Jim Peebles, and the other half was awarded jointly to Michel Mayor and my colleague Didier Queloz for the first discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star. дальше »

2019-10-14 17:40

Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz: Only A Fool Would Trust Facebook’s Libra

Ever since Facebook launched the Libra’s white paper, the whole crypto community is been abuzz. Some are strongly criticizing the project while some see it as the future or the savior of crypto. Joseph Stiglitz, a Noble Prize winner economist, is teaming up with the people that distrust Facebook’s Libra. According to a recent article […] дальше »

2019-7-4 00:18


Op Ed: Debunking Bitcoin Myths: ‘It’s a Ponzi Scheme’

The accusation that bitcoin is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme is perhaps the oldest, longest-standing criticism of the digital bearer asset. The basic idea is that there is nothing of value here and the entire purpose of bitcoin’s existence is to enrich Satoshi Nakamoto and the speculators who bought in for a few pennies or dollars in the early days by tricking others into buying in at a higher price. дальше »

2019-6-4 19:03